Lords of Honor Read online

Page 11

  She beamed. “Thank you, Micah.”

  He noted a few tendrils of her heavy hair were already straining to fall from the hair pins. He couldn’t wait to shake out those pins and brush her hair later.

  With Libby on his arm Micah led his guests into dinner.

  Micah wore fresh clothing for the first time since he found Libby at the White Hart. He kept to his usual color of black in his choice of coat and trousers, but wore a waistcoat of fine silver silk tonight. His shirt and cravat were pristine white. His weeks of travel had caught up with him. Micah felt weary. He wished dinner was over so they could retire to their rooms and he could hold Libby in his arms again and sleep. Mayhap kiss her, touch her. He longed to do more, but alas he could not.

  The gentlemen conversed briefly before the ladies came down for dinner. They would meet early the next morning to get their plan in place. They knew the Brown Coats would come. The news received from Trevan Chynoweth, the Duke of Penrose in Cornwall was not encouraging. The Chynoweth family seat, Menadue, was currently being watched by over twenty Brown Coats. Trevan waited for his numerous relatives to descend on Menadue when he wrote the letter. Trevan was in possession of the scroll these men were probably after. The one Percy Davitt referred to in Glastonbury as the Jesus the Younger scroll.

  They also briefly discussed Lyon Ravenscroft, the Duke of Amesbury’s situation. Newt would give them more details the next morning. Though they were all disappointed, they hoped Lyon could pull through the darkness of his addictions and come out his old self. He was a friend to each man present.

  Harry set some of Micah’s staff on watch outside before he left to meet them on the road from Salisbury. After dinner, Newt, Wyldhurst and Harry would start the watch inside the house, along with three of the servants. The rest would take their turns.

  Micah received a reprieve for the night watch, since he’d been watching over Libby since coming to her rescue in Andover. He was eager to spend the entire evening with his Lady. The next morning after their meeting, he would visit the Vicar at St. Mary’s and arrange their wedding, which he hoped would be soon!

  The dinner was informal for Rowena was uncertain what time the party would arrive.

  The entirety of their company was tired. They spent only a short amount of time in the drawing room after dinner. They all agreed retiring early and getting a good night’s sleep to be wise; for if this turned out to be like Glastonbury there was no certainty what tomorrow would bring.

  Owen walked up the stairs alongside Micah and Libby.

  “You’ll be fine, Libby. Micah is on that side of you, and I’m on this side.” Owen kissed his little sister on her cheek and entered his chamber.

  Micah took Libby’s hand in his and led her into her chamber. “I want to brush your hair. After your maid leaves, I’ll come in.” He bent his head to give her a quick kiss.

  “I would like that, Micah.” Libby smiled after him. She watched as he entered his chamber through the connecting door. She could not help but wonder would Micah continue to sleep with her now that they were at Horethorne Hall? She hoped so.

  Micah came in immediately after Martha left her. He left the connecting door open. Libby could see his room was dark.

  Dressed in one of her new nightgowns, Libby sat upon her bed, hair down and her brush in hand. He wore his trousers and shirt only. He sat upon the bed and situated himself behind her. He wrapped his hands in her glorious silken hair. With a smile he accepted the brush from her. He brushed her hair until it gleamed.

  Micah heard Libby yawn. “You’re sleepy. Why didn’t you tell me, sweetheart?”

  “It feels so good when you brush my hair, Micah.”

  “Mmm.” Micah’s arms came around her from behind. He hugged her tightly, kissed her temple and eased back. His hands rubbed up and down her upper arms. “To bed with you, Libby.” Micah lifted the covers. He helped her slip between the soft sheets. He removed his shirt, wishing he could also remove his trousers and her nightdress, but he didn’t dare.

  “Are you uncomfortable sleeping in your trousers?”

  “When we are married I shall not sleep in anything for that is how I am most comfortable. Am I uncomfortable sleeping in my trousers? Yes. But that is the only way I can sleep with you until we are married, Libby. And I want to sleep with you very much.”

  “I do not mind if you take them off. I hate to think of you being uncomfortable, Micah.”

  “I’m not that uncomfortable, Libby. I promised Owen your virtue would remain intact until we married, sweetheart. I promised myself that. It’s becoming more difficult for me to, ah, just hold you and not do more. My trousers must stay on.”

  Micah slid into the bed beside her. He pulled her against him and smiled into her glorious hair when her firm little bottom snuggled against him. She smelled of lavender tonight. No doubt Rowena selected the soap for Libby, for lavender was Lady Glaston’s scent. “When I first held you Libby, you smelled of lilacs. Is that your favorite scent?” Micah asked curiously.

  “Yes. I love the smell of lilacs. Sometimes I use other soaps, but my favorite is lilac. Why? Did you like the lilac scent?” Libby turned in his arms to face him.

  “Yes.” Micah reached out and pulled her fully against him. “Though roses and lavender smell wonderful on you too.” He inhaled of her scent deeply.

  “I like the way you smell too,” Libby whispered in his ear.

  “Oh, and what do I smell like, Libby?”

  “Like Micah. Clean and fresh like the wind, or the outdoors, and sandalwood as well.” She smiled as she snuggled against him. She raised her head to place a kiss to his chin. Her lips moved upward toward his. He bent his head and met her, kissing her passionately. His hands moved to her bottom. He pulled her tight against him.

  “You’re hard again.”

  “Yes. Very. Hard. Sweetheart.” He said in between kisses.

  “But, I’m not naked.”

  “Do you want to be?” He flashed a devilish grin at her.

  She giggled. “You said last time seeing me naked in the tub made you hard.”

  “I brushed your hair. And well, tonight it’s your bottom that made me hard. I love your bottom and there is the fact that you are currently pressed tight against my,” he whispered the word in her ear, “and it feels so good, Libby. Too good.”

  “Oh. Since you will keep your trousers on, I shall keep my nightdress on.” Her hand moved to rest upon his arm. “When do you think we can be married?”

  “I shall call on the vicar at St. Mary’s tomorrow after our meeting, Libby. Newt obtained the special license for me in London. Owen agreed that we can be married as soon as can be. There’s a small chapel here at Horethorne Hall. I am hoping the day after tomorrow shall work. It may have to be another week. We’ll see what the Reverend Davies’ schedule is like. I would prefer the wedding be here, at Horethorne Hall’s chapel. I’m afraid until we get rid of our Brown Coated intruders, we, none of us, can be getting out much. I so wanted to take you to my favorite haunts here in Templecombe. Have you been to Cadbury hill fort?”

  “No. Will you take me there when it is safe? I’ve always wanted to see it. Do you believe Cadbury to be the true site of Arthur’s castle?”

  “Yes, I believe it is a definite possibility that the castle, or fortress that stood there could have been Arthur’s. When there is time I will show you some of the things I’ve found while digging around Cadbury. And yes, Libby, you can count on me taking you to Cadbury when it is safe. It’s one of my favorite places to be. I spend a great deal of time there.” He would definitely make love to her there in the tall grass dotted with wildflowers when this Brown Coat threat was over.

  “Micah, why do you suppose those men followed us? Are they still after me? Is there something else they want?”

  “I don’t know, Libby. We all must be careful. Either they want you or they know I have some of the scrolls. There are twenty Brown Coats in Cornwall too. Trevan has the other scrolls,” M
icah rubbed her arm. He moved his hand to glide down her back. He saw concern fill her eyes. “Don’t worry, Libby. I’ll not allow anything to happen to you.” Micah bent to kiss her again. His hands moved to wrap in her silken hair as their kiss grew passionate again. Libby’s hands explored his bare chest. Micah’s hands moved to her derrière. He held her tight against him. They kissed one another, and caressed one another for a very long time. Until Micah thought he might explode from his want of her.

  “Time to sleep, Libby,” his voice was thick with huskiness. He realized he must stop while he still could.

  “Goodnight, Micah.”

  “Goodnight, sweetheart.”

  Libby snuggled up against him, her head tucked under his chin. She fell asleep almost immediately.

  Micah sighed against her hair after he knew she slept. He kissed her temple. He must convince the vicar their wedding needed to be as soon as possible! He didn’t know if he could make it another two days. His control was all but gone. Micah felt an overpowering need this night to remove their clothing and make her his.

  Chapter Seven

  “We need to know exactly what Lyon told Madame Rosier and the gentleman in the opium den, and any others he remembers speaking to,” Harry said as the gentlemen sat in the large library in Horethorne Hall.

  The Avalon Society members present were gathered in the middle of the large and impressive library. Several massive mahogany tables and matching chairs were set up in the center of the library. Six large and heavy, ornately carved, high-backed upholstered armchairs were clustered nearby. Some gentlemen also sat in more comfortable, overstuffed chairs flanking heavy side tables. The library at Horethorne Hall was long and wide.

  The carved white marble fireplace frontispiece was colossal, rising all the way to the ceiling and situated in the center of the room. The alternating black and white marble was covered in the seating areas with richly colored carpets. One long, thin, deep red carpet ran the length of the room serving as a walk way. Finely carved and polished bookcases lined the walls of the large room, housing Micah’s extensive book collection. Paneling stretched three quarters of the way up the walls. Magnificent, ornate plasterwork decorated the walls above the gleaming wood and the ceiling. Large candelabra, lamps and a huge chandelier would provide a wealth of light in the late afternoons and evening. Though everything in the library appeared to be built on a grand scale, the room was furnished for comfort over formality; just like the rest of Horethorne Hall.

  “I’m afraid our problems with Lyon go deeper,” Newt began. “I received a letter from Cleve twenty minutes past. He is with Lyon at my house in London. I need to explain what initially happened with Lyon first. I told you Lyon spent much time in the opium dens. Apparently he did so often during his weeks in London. A week before I followed him to Limehouse and locked him up he visited the opium den and spoke to a gentleman named Crow, who brought him to an establishment for carnal pleasures where they assured him he would be well taken care of. In fact, it was Madame Rosier’s establishment. And you know Lyon.”

  “Ah, the same Mr. Crow who was responsible for Libby’s kidnapping?” Micah looked to Owen.

  “More than likely, let me explain. There is more.” Newt raised his hand.

  “So what happened, Newt? Lyon visits establishments that offer carnal pleasures from time to time. What differed this time?” Micah asked.

  Newt continued, “This was Madame Rosier’s establishment, not one of the better ones. When Lyon entered the room, the woman already lay upon the bed. Lyon being quite out of his mind immediately went about his business. The woman made sounds which Lyon mistook for moans of pleasure. Until he tore through her maidenhead! Thankfully, Lyon realized what happened and he began to question her and coax her to speak to him. He knew by that time Crow drugged her. He found out she’s a young woman of noble birth. She was abducted from her garden, the same as Lady Elizabeth. How Lyon managed it in such a condition, I do not know, but he got her out through the back door of the establishment some hours later. He carried her through the alley and hailed a hackney. He took her to his London house. The young lady still suffered from the effects of laudanum and unfortunately a philtre amoureaux or possibly the Spanish Fly.”

  “Thankfully Lyon remembered the address she gave him and sent a message to her grandmother telling her Miss Hart was safe but unable to return home for several days.”

  Newt emitted a heavy sigh. He continued, “The young lady remained at his London house until she was free from the effects of the drugs and recovered from,” Newt paused, “the humiliation of it all. I went to her deceased father’s house days later upon Lyon’s request. I took her and her grandmother to another house Lyon let for them to stay in, for he feared the Brown Coats would return for her. It is just she and the old lady left in the family. The father lost almost all their money gambling before he died. She and her grandmother came to London to secure a marriage for her. There remained no other alternative for them being left with no money as they were.”

  “Who is she?” Harry asked.

  “Sophia Hart. Her father was Nathan Hart. He was a scholar and was always known to be a very proper sort of gentleman. Unexplainably, several months before his demise, he suddenly took to drinking and gambling according to Miss Hart. He died six months ago after being set upon by thieves after leaving one of the Hells. Lyon provided her enough money for the two of them to live on for several months. I told her of Lyon’s demons, and that he would come to her in a few weeks when he returned to his former self. He agreed to marry her. In fact, he insists upon it. I gave her my name and address and told her to contact me if she needed anything.”

  “Miss Hart is a very handsome young woman and quite petite. She very kindly answered all my questions. She is stubborn too. She said she will not take Lyon as a husband if his demons are not slain. She told me she lived through that hell already with her father and would not do so again.”

  Newt explained further, “This is where it gets more devious. The men who took her and put her in that establishment were trying to ruin Lyon. They specifically took her for him. She was intended for Lyon alone. Miss Hart heard all this after they drugged her. This Crow and several other men talked whilst her clothes were removed and Madame Rosier put her into the bedclothes of a whore. She heard them say Lyon would be blamed for her murder. They planned to make it known that he beat and murdered her. Before they brought Lyon in, the men with Crow roughed her up. She sported several bruises still when I talked to her. They planned to blame Lyon for that too. Miss Hart said they jested amongst themselves that after he was known throughout society as a monster, and a cripple addicted to laudanum, that it would be no time at all before he died, or was killed. They mentioned they could easily make it appear to be a suicide. Because of his new reputation, no one would think twice about his demise.”

  Newt sighed heavily, “As I told you moments ago, I just received a message from Cleve. Miss Hart and her grandmother turned up at my house yesterday, because they saw Brown Coats watching the house Lyon procured for them. She and her Grandmother snuck out with the help of the two guards I hired for them. They have nowhere else to go. Lyon does not want her to see him until he is better. He does not want her to fear him. He is in the early stages of his recovery. Lachlan says he’s an emotional mess. I need to find some other place where she will be safe.”

  “Do you suppose Libby was abducted for the same, or a similar reason? When did Lyon commit this atrocity?” Owen asked.

  “This happened three weeks ago. I did not find out about Miss Hart until I realized something was not right with Lyon and locked him up. He was very upset by his actions to the girl. Once I locked him up, Lyon begged me to check on the young lady for him. He remained terribly worried about her well-being. Miss Hart was abducted about three weeks ago, well before Libby was taken. They may have intended to do the same to your sister, Owen, if you did not give them the scrolls. They could have kidnapped her to use her in the same m
anner as they did Miss Hart, to trap or lure someone else. Another one of our members? Who can say?” Newt frowned.

  “We are in danger here at Horethorne Hall as well, for we know the Brown Coats will come at us again. And the Chynoweths are surrounded by Brown Coats at Menadue. Miss Sophia Hart will just have to stay at your London House until Lyon is ready to make the trip here,” Harry said matter-of-factly.

  “That’s what I would prefer as well.” Newt nodded. “Lyon needs protection as well as Miss Hart. We cannot spread ourselves any thinner. I will instruct Cleve to inform Lyon that Miss Hart cannot leave my house for she is in grave danger. I believe Lyon will accept that, for he is terribly concerned about her welfare. I am certain Miss Hart will stay. The experience she suffered frightened her a great deal.”

  “The day after your letter arrived at Abbey Grange, Micah, I sent Sir John, Frances and my mother and sister to stay with my brother George at Eveleigh Park in Devon. I also sent Lyon’s mother and sister as well, knowing he was in London,” Harry informed them.

  “What of the treasures?” Micah asked.

  “The Secretum Domini, the sapphire, crystal cross and the ampullae came with us to Templecombe. They are in your safe. The rest are safely tucked away in a hidden room at the Grange that no one save me and Woollard know of. Not even Rowena knows. It has become something of a sore spot between us, I must confess. I continue to remind her it is for her safety that I have not revealed the location to her.”

  Micah nodded. “We need to transfer your treasures to my personal safe room, where I keep the scrolls. We’ll do that later tonight after the servants have been dismissed.”

  Harry nodded.

  “I planned to go to St. Mary’s this morning and secure the Vicar for my wedding. Now I shall have to send a letter to him. We still do not know if the Brown Coats are watching us. ‘Tis best if we all remain here on the grounds. Libby and I shall be married in the chapel here at Horethorne Hall. As soon as can be arranged,” Micah informed the party.