Lords of Honor Read online

Page 14

  Libby began to feed Micah. Whenever she would offer him a morsel, he would keep her finger in his mouth for a long moment, and suck or lave it with his tongue. Libby began to do the same when he fed her. They kissed in between feeding one another the tasty morsels.

  Micah lifted his glass to her lips. She drank. He drank and set the glass back down. He kissed her, slowly, passionately. Gently, he pulled at her shoulders, urging her to come closer, to close the space between them. Libby got to her hands and knees while they continued to kiss. She rose up on her knees before him, letting her hands rest on his shoulders. Micah removed her wrapper and night gown. His large hands splayed across the firm globes of her derrière. One hand moved to the dark curls between her thighs, his fingers gently caressed her tender folds and entered her wet sheath; his mouth was already teasing the rosy buds of her firm breasts which were enticingly displayed before his eyes.

  He lifted his head. She lowered hers. Their lips met. They kissed passionately. He grabbed her bottom firmly with both hands and lifted her off her knees while huskily instructing her, “Wrap your legs around me, sweetheart.”

  She did as he bid. His wrapper fell open as she pulled the sash. He lowered her down. The tip of his hardened cock rested at her opening. Slowly, Micah eased her down to cover him.

  “Oh! Micah,” Libby trembled with the power of her desire and the exquisite pleasure she felt at feeling him so acutely, and so deep inside her.

  Micah froze. “Are you in pain, sweetheart?” Micah asked in concern, wondering at her sudden trembling.

  “No. No pain! Micah, I, I…feel wonderful,” Libby looked momentarily surprised, then gave in to the euphoria rising inside her. She panted, breathed heavily as she clung to him. Her fingernails dug into his shoulders. She shivered with ecstasy.

  Micah grinned and slowly moved inside her. In mere seconds, she shattered and came apart in his arms. She cried out with the force of her release. Libby collapsed against him feeling quite boneless. She gasped for breath as she leaned her head upon his shoulder.

  Micah rose, still holding her against him. Her legs remained wrapped about him. He carried her across her room, opened the connecting door to his chamber and walked across the floor. Gently he deposited her onto the soft fluffy mattress of his very large and ornate Elizabethan testered bed. He came inside her again. He moved gently and slowly until she recovered.

  Libby soon matched his rhythm. He increased the pace, groaning with pure pleasure when her legs wrapped tightly around him. He wanted to be careful, for he knew she would be tender, but he was about to come, and couldn’t stop the age old need to push deeper, harder, faster. She came again, beneath him, calling his name. He threw back his head in exaltation and groaned her name over and over when the sheer power of his release came over him. He shattered, lost all control, plummeted over the edge into the abyss, lost in pools of swirling sapphire.

  “Oh, Libby!” he said in between deep, gulping breaths. He drew her close. He kissed her neck, her hair, her red lips. “I didn’t hurt you did I, sweetheart?”

  “No,” she giggled. “I am not hurt, Micah. I have never felt better in my entire life.”

  “Nor I, sweetheart, nor I. I told you that we would not have a problem in our marriage bed, did I not?”

  “You did say that. And I would have to agree. I think we are doing very well.” She smiled and kissed him.

  They slept, woke, ate, made love again. They slept again.

  At dawn Micah woke to Libby’s precious bottom snuggling against him. As was his habit, he captured the firm little wiggly thing and held her still against his groin. Until he remembered they were now married and they were both naked and he was already unbelievably hard. He grinned broadly. His fingers moved to her opening, found her to be wet. How could she not be? He spilled his seed inside her four times already. Regardless, he massaged her further to make certain she was ready for him.

  “Morning.” Libby said beneath the silk of the heavy, sable hair covering her face.

  “Good morning my beautiful wife.” Gently, Micah smoothed her hair back and placed a kiss to her cheek. He positioned the head of his cock against her wetness. Slowly he pushed into her warmth.

  “Mmm.” Libby moved her hips back to take him fully.

  Micah’s lips grazed her cheek and moved to her exposed neck as he gently moved inside her. He kept a hand on her hip to keep her firmly against him while he moved deep within her. Their hips continued moving in unison as the gentle rhythm ignited a fire within them that sparked and grew into hot flames. When Libby began to tremble and pant, he pulled her closer against him. He plunged deeper, sending his Libby, his love, over the edge. He went with her.

  They rested on the chaise again, Libby leaning back against her naked husband, her legs cradled between his.

  “Do you like your room, Libby?”

  “Yes. It is beautiful. I find it very relaxing. I love the colors.”

  “Everything in here is new. This room has been empty since – well, empty a long time.” He hadn’t meant to bring up Lucy to Libby. He didn’t think it fair to Libby that he spoke of his first wife.

  “Since Lucy and the baby?”

  “Yes.” Micah said while he ran his fingers through Libby’s silken hair. “If you don’t like the decoration you can change it, sweetheart.”

  “I’m not going to change it. I love it, Micah! Truly, I do. You picked the colors?”

  “Yes. I told Mrs. Clarke of my idea for this room. Together we picked the swatches, and while I was away for three weeks hunting along the Northern road for Davitt, she and Simmonds supervised the re-decorating in my absence.”

  “This room is beautiful. I am very fond of it.” Libby started to say something else then stopped herself. She wanted to ask him if he found it difficult to be in this room, if this was where his wife and baby died.

  “Say what you were going to say, Libby.” Micah rubbed her arm.

  “No, I shouldn’t. It was just a question and an impertinent one. And none of my business.”

  “About Lucy?”

  She nodded, too ashamed to speak.

  Micah’s arm came about her waist to hug her tightly. “Sweetheart,” he smoothed her hair back from her face, “don’t ever be afraid to ask me a question. I’ll answer whatever question you ask, Libby.” His lips grazed her temple.

  Libby turned to face him, “I just wanted to know if it is difficult for you to be in this room. This would have been her room, and I’m guessing this is where…”

  “Yes, this was her room. This is where she and my - my son died. But everything, even the furniture was removed. It was long ago. And no, it is not hard for me to be in here now, because this is your room. And you are my wife now, and I want to be with you, Libby. I’m happy, with you, right now in this moment. This room is where we have slept together and made love together. This is your room.”

  Libby smiled. She raised her hand to touch Micah’s cheek.

  “I don’t mention Lucy to you, Libby, because I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable. I know it must be difficult for you, sweetheart.”

  Libby nodded slightly. “I sometimes worry that maybe I won’t be as good a wife to you as she was, or that you might like the way she did things better. Or that you…” Libby stopped. She lowered her lashes.

  “Libby?” Micah coaxed softly. He saw a tear roll down her cheek. He reached out to wipe it away with his thumb. “Tell me, sweetheart,” he whispered as he cupped her chin in his hand and lifted her face so he could see her eyes.

  “I - I am afraid that you might not ever come to love me as much as you loved her. I know that is unfair of me to say, I’m sorry. I can’t help it; I do wonder.” She looked into his eyes, her own sapphire eyes shimmering.

  Micah’s long hands cupped her face. Love? Yes, Micah realized then, he did love Libby. “Oh, sweetheart, no! I do love you, Libby. I do. Come here.” Micah drew up his legs and swung around to sit on the chaise, while pulling her into
his lap. He smoothed her hair from her face. He gazed deeply into her eyes as he spoke.

  “Libby, I was one and twenty when I met Lucy. I married her at two and twenty. She was eighteen. She died four years later. I was so young, Libby. I did not know what love was. But I did, in my heart, love Lucy. She was petite with blonde hair and blue eyes. I did not even kiss her until we were engaged, she would not allow it. Six months later we were married. Lucy wasn’t fond of the marriage bed. We did not sleep in the same bed together except the first night.”

  Micah sighed heavily. He continued, “On the rare occasions she allowed me to bed her, she stayed in her room and remained dressed in her nightgown. Not once did I see her without clothing except our first night. She sent me back to my chamber immediately after I made love to her. I slept alone. She would only let me come into her room to make love to her about once a week at first, perhaps twice a month after the first year. Even less after that. Once she was with child, she never allowed me to come to her.”

  He sighed heavily as he entwined his fingers with Libby’s. “Lucy never participated in lovemaking. I tried to give her pleasure, though I’m not certain I ever did. I suppose it did not appeal to her. She did not like me kissing her either. She would turn her face away.”

  “Lucy did not understand my society business or my quest for knowledge. She wanted to be in London. To her life was about parties and fashions and being seen. She liked her title, for my father passed on some years before and I had inherited the title by that time. She hated to be confined to Horethorne Hall. Lucy made it hell for everyone at the Hall when we were in residence here, especially for my poor mother.”

  He continued, “She wanted the life of balls and parties and longed to be in London. Her mother lived on the other side of Templecombe at that time. She has since moved away, thank God. She came to visit here every day. She told Lucy what she should do and how she should do it. And Lucy did whatever her mother told her to do. She never gave my mother’s suggestions any merit. Still I hoped that someday Lucy would truly come to love me. I think perhaps she might have in her own way. She was young, two years younger than I. She wasn’t hateful or mean to me. Just not the wife I’d dreamed of.”

  Micah sighed, “I realize now how selfish Lucy was. It took many years after her death for me to truly see that. But her mother thought only of herself and raised her daughter to be the same. She married me because I was a Viscount and heir to an earldom. She never truly knew me, Libby. I don’t think she wanted to. She wanted a husband in name only. She wanted to be a Viscountess and ultimately a Countess, for I shall inherit the Earldom from my Grandfather when he passes.”

  Micah continued, “When I found out she carried my child, I was very excited. I hoped the birth of our baby might bring us closer together. She did not like being pregnant and stayed in her bed for most of her pregnancy. She complained a lot. Her mother insisted on having a physician from Salisbury deliver the baby instead of the local surgeon or midwife. There were complications. I finally went out and brought the midwife back. It was too late. The babe died inside the womb. The physician harmed Lucy while trying to get the babe out and she lost too much blood. I blamed myself for a long time because I didn’t stand up to Lucy and her mother about the surgeon. My mother was already ill when we found out Lucy was with child. She was so saddened by the loss of her grandchild, and by my devastation, she didn’t last much longer after we buried them.”

  He sighed and hugged Libby tighter to him as he continued, “I buried my mother some three months later. I wish she could have met you Libby! Mother was kind to Lucy, but I could tell she did not care for her; no doubt because she knew the union did not make me happy. She would have adored you as I do, Libby.” He tenderly kissed her temple.

  Micah smiled at his wife while a single tear slid down his cheek.

  Libby wiped it away. She shook her head and became visibly upset. “Oh Micah, forgive me, please! I did not mean to bring you pain. I would never knowingly cause you to hurt.” Her arms wound around his neck. She tucked her head under his chin.

  Micah rubbed her back. He kissed her hair. “Sweetheart, you have not caused me any pain, whatsoever. I’m not crying because I’m sad, Libby. I’m happy. I’m going to tell you something I’ve never told anyone else. When I was last in Glastonbury, I watched Harry and Rowena fall in love. They are so perfect for one another. Rowena is a scholar. She and Harry share many of the same interests.”

  Micah smiled and continued, “I realized that is what I wanted; someone to love, who loves me in return. I wished for someone to share my life with, all of it. I wanted a wife who understood my interests, and who might share hers with me. I did not have that with Lucy. I’d been a recluse for so long, I was unsure how to find such a person. Before I left Glastonbury I went up to the tower of St. Michael on the Tor and I prayed to him and asked him to help guide me to the perfect woman, the perfect wife for me. I found a white feather at my feet when I finished my prayer. I keep it in my coat pocket. Since I found you in Andover, I always think of you when I look at my feather.”

  “The feather you wore today for our wedding?” Libby asked.

  Micah nodded and caressed her cheek lovingly.

  She smiled sweetly at him.

  “Five weeks after I left Glastonbury, Libby, you literally fell into my arms. I was actually thinking about you, Libby, while I sat in the public room at the White Hart. I planned to go to Devon for a visit with you and Owen to see if you were interested in me. I found myself very attracted to you the last several times I visited Roseland. Remember, I told you that day at the cottage?”

  Libby nodded, “I remember, Micah.”

  He continued, “Then you walked into the White Hart. I knew almost immediately you were her; the one! I soon realized you were her; the perfect wife and companion for me, the answer to my prayers to Archangel Michael. The first night at the Rose and Crown in Salisbury you experienced a nightmare and told me when you woke you prayed to Archangel Michael before you walked into the White Hart. I prayed to him too, Libby! I was certain at that moment that we were meant to be together, that it was no coincidence our meeting in Andover as we did. I love you so deeply.” Micah kissed her gently, lingeringly. He lifted her chin, smiled at her and wiped a rolling tear from her cheek. “I feel our souls are joined, Libby. I prayed for you, Libby, and you came to me. The love I felt for Lucy is a mere shadow compared to the love I feel for you, sweetheart. You are my heart, and my soul, Libby.”

  Micah’s long-fingered hands caressed her shoulders. He looked into her sapphire eyes as he said, “I love you more than I ever loved Lucy, Libby. And you have shown me much more love already than she ever did, and made me the happiest man in the world. That is why I was crying, Libby. Not because I’m sad, but because I’m so happy. I feel complete and whole with you.”

  “I love you too, Micah, so much.” Libby placed soft feathery kisses on Micah’s mouth. Covered only by her wrapper, she untied it and pushed it back so it slid down her shoulders and arms. She rose up on her knees between Micah’s legs, cradled his face in her hands and kissed him passionately.

  Micah’s hands glided lightly up and down her back, then moved to squeeze the firm globes of her derrière.

  Micah carried her to the bed. Once again, they made passionate love to one another.

  The newly wedded couple took a short nap after they ate the food brought to them at midday. A bath would be brought to them at four. They would bathe, dress for dinner, and leave their love nest and go downstairs to join the others for dinner. They would go back into the real world.

  When they woke and found several hours remained before the bath would be brought in, they put their time to good use and spent it exploring amorous pursuits. Libby proved to be an apt pupil in learning the ways of pleasure. Micah enjoyed teaching her.

  Micah taught Libby numerous ways to increase her pleasure and his. He realized he might be dead in a week from doing such a thing. Since she learned al
l the things she could do to make him come she was becoming quite adept at her newly acquired skill.

  As she proved not moments before as he now lay on his back, gasping for breath.

  He turned to regard his beautiful wife, “Sweetheart, are you certain you are not sore? Not even a little sore? I’m concerned, because we’ve made love so many times in the last twenty four hours, I’ve lost count.”

  “I’m not sore.” She shook her head.

  “I’m afraid you won’t be able to walk tomorrow,” he laughed.

  Libby giggled. “I will too.”

  Micah hugged her tightly to him.

  “I will miss this time with just us, alone.” Libby looked down at him as she sat up and rose over him. She smiled and placed a sweet kiss to his chin.

  “Me too, sweetheart. But we’ll still have our nights, and mornings. When our company takes leave of us we shall have more ah, free time during the day.” Micah trailed his fingers down her naked torso. “When it is once again safe here at Horethorne Hall, I’ll take you up Cadbury Hill to the hill fort. We’ll make love among the wildflowers. It’s beautiful up there, much like the Tor in that you can see for miles and miles in every direction.” He smiled at her and gave her a noisy kiss.

  “I would like that, Micah.” Libby grinned.

  He gently smacked her derrière. “Our bath will arrive shortly. I’ll find our clothing.” He reluctantly left his beautiful wife in the bed.

  Libby watched her naked husband walk about the room picking up his discarded wrapper on the floor beside the table where they ate, hers on the floor beside the chaise. After minutes of searching they discovered her nightgown tangled in the bed sheets.