Lords of Honor Page 4
Micah made fast work of unfastening her stays. He let them drop to the floor when he finished. He smiled at her sigh of relief when she was free of them.
“Petticoats too please, Micah. They are so stiff and I think they have been chafing my waist. At least something has.”
Again he made fast work of untying the two petticoats. They pooled at her feet.
The sight of her bare upper back and shoulders, now exposed to his gaze almost took his breath away. She was slender and so gracefully formed. She was muscular, but in a very feminine way. Willowy is the word that came to mind. He so wanted to run his hands up and down that beautiful back. Micah swooped down and picked up the stays and petticoats with his free hand and placed them on the chair. He turned to hand her his shirt. “Here you are, Libby.”
Her legs were long and shapely. Of course her chemise came to her knees, so he could only truly see her slender calves. Still, the fine lawn of her chemise bordered on transparent. She wore stockings and half boots. There was almost nothing left to his imagination.
She slid into his shirt.
He pulled her tangled hair out of the back of the shirt for her after she struggled to do it. He helped her back to the bed.
“You wouldn’t happen to have a comb in that bag of yours, would you?” She asked with a weak, but hopeful smile.
Micah smiled. “I do. I’ll get it for you.”
She bent over and tried to reach the laces of her shoes when Micah came to her. The effects of the laudanum were still upon her. She was having a difficulty keeping her balance. He knelt before her, placed one foot, then the other on his thigh, unlaced her half boots and slid them off to reveal two very pretty, slender feet still encased in sheer white stockings.
“Do you wish to keep your stockings on?” He tried to sound nonchalant though he noted his voice sounded a bit husky. In the past, when he viewed a woman’s unshod feet encased in stockings it was because he was about to bed her.
She shook her head.
“Untie the ribbons for me if you can. I’ll turn my head when I roll them down.”
Libby fumbled with the ribbons. Her fingers would not cooperate “I can’t get them untied. I think the ribbons are knotted.”
“I’ll do it.” Micah reached his hands beneath the hem of her chemise. He untied and unrolled one stocking. The other followed. Her skin felt soft and smooth as his fingers glided down her calves, pushing the silk to the floor.
There were only two thin blankets upon the bed; one covering the lumpy mattress, the other folded at the foot.
“Let me help you lie down, Libby.”
“Before I do, I suppose one must go outside to, um, to do the necessary.”
Micah surveyed the small room. He spied a pottery jar that might serve as a chamber pot, but he felt that would be far too humiliating for her. And it seemed to be rather small to be used as such. “It would seem so. Allow me to put my cape around you. It sounds as if the rain has lessened a bit. I’ll carry you outside and stand near enough to assist you as you are still a bit unsteady. Perhaps we should get your shoes back on?”
Libby shook her head, she was too weary. “No, I’ll just do it barefoot. It will be quicker that way.”
“The ground is wet, Libby.”
“I’m fine barefooted, Micah,” she assured him.
Libby glanced at him, her cheeks glowing pink with embarrassment. “Thank you for helping me, Micah. I wish I could do things for myself right now. I feel so terrible that you have to care for me…”
“Think nothing of it, Libby. It’s the effects of the laudanum, I am certain. I believe they overdosed you severely. It will be like this for a few days, I’m afraid. We’ll get you to Horethorne Hall. You’ll be much more comfortable and feel much better, I am certain. I do not mind helping you. I am happy to make you more comfortable. You’ve been through a harrowing ordeal.” He wished to set her mind at ease. He would help her feel as comfortable as she could in such a situation.
He lifted her into his arms. With less clothing on, he could feel more of her lovely body as he held her this time. He liked what he felt. She was soft as a woman should be yet her muscles were firm. He knew her to be physically active. He walked with her and rode along the quay with her at Roseland Abbey many times on his trips to Devon.
Micah turned his back while Libby took care of her necessities. He stood close enough to reach out and catch her arm if she should start to fall. When she finished, he once again lifted her into his arms and carried her back toward the dimly lit cottage. “I saw a well over there. Let me take you in and get you into the bed first. I’m certain you must be thirsty.”
“Yes, I’m quite thirsty. Thank you, Micah.”
Micah sat her on the bed and wiped any dirt or moisture from the bottoms of her pretty, slender feet with his hands.
He took a much needed deep breath when he went outside with a bucket to go to the well. He was completely alone with a beautiful woman, whom he desired. Greatly. He was determined to remain a gentleman. He exhaled heavily and set about getting them some water.
Micah returned with a bucket full of water. He rummaged in the only cupboard in the small cottage and found one cup. He dipped it into the bucket and brought it about three-quarters full to Libby, who sat on the bed trying to comb the snarls out of her hair.
Micah knew her sable hair to be thick and heavy. It was incredibly long, reaching to below her waist. He found it to be quite magnificent. He guessed it would fall from its pins easily. He seemed to remember it doing just that on a few of the rides he accompanied her on in Devon.
She set his comb down on the bedside table and accepted the cup with a bright smile. “Thank you.” She drained the cup, handed it back to him. “I was so thirsty.”
Her smile dazzled him. “We only have one cup, I hope you don’t mind, we’ll have to share.” Micah drank a cup of water after her. “I know you are very thirsty, but let’s see how that settles on your stomach before you have more.” He smiled and winked at her.
“Good advice.” She took the comb back up and was still trying to remove the tangles from her hair. Libby groaned in frustration as she tried to lift her arms.
Micah could tell she was struggling to reach the back of her hair. She needed help. And Micah wanted to touch her hair. He needed to. He actually ached to touch it. His fingers flexed at his sides. “Allow me to comb your hair for you, Libby. I shall sit behind you.”
Reluctantly, she sighed and gave him the comb. Libby was unaccustomed to being helpless. Her inability to do even the most commonplace things for herself vexed her greatly.
Micah sat cross-legged behind her on the bed and began gently pulling the comb through her beautiful dark hair. Ebony, sable, charcoal. It was such a dark shade of brown it could easily be mistaken for black. It was much darker than his hair. Even with the tangles, it was shiny, glossy, and soft as silk. It smelled faintly of lilacs. He realized he remained silent far too long. He was mesmerized by the beauty of her hair. But there were no more tangles, nothing but thick, silken tresses. “There. Does that feel better, Libby?”
“Yes. Thank you. I feel almost human again.” She gave him a soft little laugh.
Micah asked, “Would you like more water before you lay down, Libby?”
After she drank several sips, he asked, “Would you like some apple?”
Libby shook her head. “My stomach does not feel so well at the moment.” She paled. Her eyes widened. She abruptly set the cup on the table beside the bed.
Micah realized her stomach ailed her again. He hurried to the corner of the room to fetch the empty crock he spied earlier. He set it on the floor beside the bed. She lay on her side. “In case you’ve need of it,” he explained.
She smiled wanly. Her eyes grew large as she struggled to sit up again. Micah effortlessly lifted her to a sitting position. Libby broke out in a sweat, held her stomach, felt it spasm. She reached toward the pot. Micah quickly brought
it up to her. He held the crock with one hand. His other arm held her tightly against him.
She retched. The spasms came almost immediately again, and minutes later a third time. It was mostly water that came up. She didn’t eat much at the inn with Cobley and Rawson, and lost that on the road to Salisbury. She could remember eating nothing before that since Monday at her breakfast.
The spasms continued. Every time Libby thought she was over the spasms, another would take her. She even gave in to a few tears at one point.
Micah pulled her hair back from her face and whispered soothing words to her. He rubbed her back and arms to comfort her. He felt so helpless. He knew she needed some substantial food. She needed to be anywhere other than this tiny little run-down cottage in the woods.
He realized at that moment, they might have to stay in Salisbury all of tomorrow, possibly even the following day until Libby regained her strength. He doubted she’d been given any food since she was taken, other than the few bites she’d told him she’d eaten earlier in the day. The coldness of the water as well as the amount she drank probably threw her stomach into spasms. He would need to help set her to rights before they could travel on.
When the spasms eased and she felt better, he helped her lay back upon his cape which he folded and fashioned into a poor excuse for a pillow. He took the pot outside and cleaned it with water from the well. While he walked back from the well, Micah searched the darkness for any signs of her kidnappers. It was difficult to see anything with the rain.
He brought the cleaned crock back in. He removed his coat, waistcoat and boots, laying them upon the chair over Libby’s gown. He set his loaded pistol and his spectacles on the table beside the bed. Lastly, he snuffed out the candle then lifted the thin, threadbare cover to slide into the bed beside her. He originally thought to sleep on the floor, but Libby was far too weak, too ill, and still heavily affected by the overdose of laudanum to leave her in the bed alone. Her balance remained poor. She could very well take a fall trying to get from the bed if she rose during the night.
Lying beside her, he knew she slept. When she shivered beneath the thin cover, he moved to curl against her. He would not leave to her to take a chill.
So far this evening, Micah undressed Libby, saw her in dishabille, viewed a portion of her naked back, her legs, and her feet, he combed her hair, and helped her take care of her necessities. She now lay snugly against him, his body curled about hers.
There was no choice left to him; he must offer for Libby now. Oddly, he was not disappointed. The thought of having Libby for his wife made him happy. He pulled the thin cover tighter over himself and Libby.
He did not sleep right away. He thought about Libby and the turn his life had taken this day. He found Libby lovely. He knew for certain he desired her. She was taller than most women, and though slender, she had curves in the right places. From what he saw of her body thus far and felt through her clothes when he carried her, her breasts were full, not overlarge, her waist trim, and her derrière firm and nicely shaped. Micah wanted to see the entirety of her long, shapely legs. And the rest of her!
Her honesty was endearing. Libby had borne this entire incident extremely well. Aside from the tear he saw slide down her cheek the first moment she broke from her kidnappers and ended in his arms, and the few she shed while she retched, she did not cry or complain, nor give in to hysterics. She remained steady and practical. Micah was truly impressed by her ability to adapt to such a situation. As he lay next to her, he realized he happily anticipated having Libby for his wife. He finally fell asleep with his face nuzzled in her glorious hair that still held the scent of lilacs.
He slept lightly, for Libby whimpered and stirred on occasion. He would whisper soothingly to her, stroke her back, her arm, her hair, until she settled once again. She woke once, and appeared startled until she heard his voice. Micah asked her if she felt ill or needed to do the necessary. She shook her head. She told him she was cold. He embraced her fully, sliding one arm under her, and crossing it with the other to cocoon her in his warmth. She burrowed closer against him. She slept peacefully for several long hours. He dozed lightly, waking on and off.
The rain stopped around midnight. He could not be certain Libby’s kidnappers weren’t on their trail, out there somewhere searching for them. So he listened for what seemed an hour or more.
Then of course, there was the matter of his being in a state of arousal, for Libby seemed to have the propensity in her sleep to wiggle and snuggle her firm little derrière against him. He supposed he did not trust himself either, for sleeping with his arms around her to better keep her warm, he woke several times to find his hand on or alarmingly near her breast. He truly liked her breasts. And her wiggly little bottom!
Chapter Three
Hours later, it began raining steady again. If it did not stop, it would definitely delay him getting her to Salisbury after daybreak. He must have finally found sleep just before dawn, for he woke seemingly hours later to the sound of rain pounding on the cottage roof, rumbles of thunder and Libby’s beautiful face in front of him.
Libby turned in his arms and intently studied Micah’s handsome face as he slept. She hadn’t seen him without his spectacles before. His chiseled jaw and prominent high cheekbones, combined with his dark hair and the shadow of stubble on his chin screamed strength. But she knew his silvery eyes to be full of warmth, amusement and kindness quite often. She already knew his manner to be gentle and caring, and his smiles genuine.
Libby was mortified that she had been so ill in his presence. Poor Micah had to care for her as if she were a child; even help her do the necessary.
She also remembered, with much pleasure, how it felt when he touched her. How wonderful it felt to sleep in his strong arms, and feel his warm, muscled body against hers. A warm and tingly feeling swept through her whenever he touched her. She liked the way he whispered soothing words to her. Especially during the night when his lips were so close to her ear and his voice was deep and husky from sleep.
“It’s still raining,” she said to him. “I apologize, Micah. I did not mean to wake you. You must be weary. I just woke up myself.”
“You did not wake me, Libby. Do not concern yourself.” Micah yawned.
He continued, “I’m afraid we can’t make it to Salisbury until the rain subsides, Libby.” Micah reached for his spectacles. He rubbed his eyes before putting them on.
“I know.”
She smiled at him. She was a vision. He needed to go outside before she became frightened by what would more than likely be a noticeable bulge in his trousers. “I’ll be right back Libby. My turn to do the necessary. If you need to, I’ll take you outside upon my return.” As his cape currently served as her pillow, he turned his back to her and slid into his coat to better cover any noticeable evidence of his desire.
A short time later, Micah returned. “I checked on my horse while I was outside. Do you, um, need to go outside, Libby?”
“Yes, please.”
“Sit up very slowly. Here, let me help you.” Micah placed his arm behind her back and helped her ease up. “I fear your stomach shall remain queasy until we can get you some proper nourishment. I wish the rain would stop so we could go on into Salisbury this morning.”
Libby sat still for a moment. She willed the dizziness she felt to go away. She smiled when she realized she could swing her legs over the edge of the bed on her own. She still felt dizzy when she tried to stand after Micah helped her get her stockings on and laced her half boots. He supported her as he helped her to her feet. He wrapped his cape around her and pulled up the hood to cover her head.
“Shall I carry you, Libby?”
“No, perhaps if you help me I can walk. I’m so sore.”
Libby seemed weaker this morning, even more unsteady. She looked much paler this morning. In the end, Micah whisked her into his arms and carried her outside. “You need to conserve your strength for our ride to Salisbury, Libby.”
nbsp; Libby took care of her business hastily at the side of the cottage beneath the branches of a tree. Micah stood just behind her with his back to her. For Libby, it proved an even more humiliating experience in daylight.
Lifting her in his arms once again, he paused under the covered porch to survey the countryside beyond through the sheets of rain. “I hope the rain stops by this afternoon. We need to get you comfortable and fed.”
“My stomach feels fairly well so far this morning.”
Micah did not mention there was probably nothing left in her stomach. He brought her back inside the old cottage. He helped her to sit on the bed.
He produced a knife from his boot and sliced one of the apples. He handed her a small, thin sliver. “Try and eat this Libby. At least take a nibble. Here’s some water. Just take small sips today until you know your stomach will handle more.”
Micah unlaced and removed her shoes for her. He propped her against the headboard.
She moved to sit cross-legged in the bed, his cape spread over her, chewing on her apple. She regarded him pensively as she said, “I suppose my reputation is irreparably ruined now.” She sighed heavily.
“I will not purposely deceive you Libby; I think you are correct.”
She frowned. “Do you suppose Owen will force me to marry someone?”
He already knew Owen would not have to force a wedding. For Micah would offer for her. But he hadn’t told Libby that yet. She obviously didn’t realize it would be him who would be expected to offer for her. “In circumstances such as these, it is generally best for the lady and gentleman to marry quickly, Libby.”
“It hardly seems fair. I can understand if the Lady purposely runs away with a man. But I was kidnapped!”
“I would agree, Libby it does not seem fair for you.” Micah returned to sit upon the bed. He moved to lean against the headboard. He stretched his long legs out over the length of the bed. “How old are you?” He popped a sliver of apple into his mouth.