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Lord Greyton's Fall From Grace (Lords of Avalon Novella Series) Page 5
Lord Greyton's Fall From Grace (Lords of Avalon Novella Series) Read online
Page 5
“No woman will live in my house and not obey me!” Lord Burrow stood. His puffy face grew red with his anger. He seemed to notice immediately he was dwarfed by his opponent’s size and brawn.
Marrek was well aware of the effect his size and dark looks had on others. He scowled. “I have a document for you to sign.” Marrek removed a paper from a small secretary. He handed it to Burrow.
The Marquess scanned the document. “A divorce! What nonsense is this? She is mine, my property, and I will keep her.” Burrow thrust the paper back at St. Erth, who made no move to retrieve it. It wafted to the floor. St. Erth moved the foolscap aside with the tip of the eagle-headed cane he held in one hand.
“Let me make this crystal clear for you Burrow. You have three choices available to you. The first is to grant your wife a divorce and cooperate with His Majesty. The second is to keep her as your wife, but to never speak harshly to her or touch her again; or as I promised, you will die. You would also be expected to cooperate with His Majesty. The third choice you have is to die by my hand this very moment if you refuse the first two choices.”
Burrow laughed, albeit nervously. “I’m one of the best shots in all of England. Who says you can best me?”
Marrek let go a bored sigh. “I do. I prefer to slit an opponent’s throat, that way death is eminent. Breaking the neck works well also, it’s less messy. Greyton assured me they can replace the carpet easily, so the choice is mine, really.” Marrek removed his gold watch and flipped open the case. “You have four minutes remaining to make your decision before I end your life, Burrow.”
The Marquess of Burrow shifted uneasily. His hand moved toward his coat pocket.
Before his hand could reach his pistol, the tip of St. Erth’s cane cracked upon the back of Burrow’s hand. Marrek slipped the weapon under his opponent’s arm. He pushed his arm far back and away from his upper torso. A substantial ten inch blade appeared from the cane tip and within seconds rested against Burrow’s throat.
“Uh, uh, uh.” A diabolical grin spread across St. Erth’s face. His dark eyes gleamed.
“I am a peer of the realm. A Marquess! I will have you arrested for assault!”
“By whom, Burrow?” Marrek let go a wicked chuckle. “We have proof you have been conspiring against the King. I work for him. His Majesty is fully aware of your actions. If there is anyone to be arrested today it would be you. Your wife would be granted a divorce. I would deliver her petition to the King personally. She would be free of you the same day you found yourself in the gaoler’s cell awaiting your trial for treason.”
He removed his watch again and looked at the time. “One minute remaining before you bleed all over Greyton’s carpet. And your decision would be?” He looked into Burrow’s wide eyes.
“What must I do, St. Erth?” The Marquess sighed in defeat. “I am not a fool. If you allow me to keep my wife and remain out of prison, there will be a price for me to pay, of that I am well aware.”
“Ah, thank goodness you are not a complete fool. I was beginning to wonder.” Marrek flashed him a particularly sardonic grin. “You will continue to work with Lords Grenville and Somerton, and send me all correspondence and paperwork regarding your transactions and schemes. You will relay information I give you to them, without their knowing it’s from me, of course. You will allow Lady Burrow to send me a letter every two days. She will seal it with a special seal I will give her. If it is tampered with, or if I do not receive her letters like routine clockwork, myself or one of my men will appear quite suddenly when you least expect it. I am leaving two men who will be with her at all times when she is not in her chamber, and who will guard her person night and day. I also am giving her a new maid who reports directly to me. I will send you a draft every three months to pay for their boarding.”
Marrek continued, “If anything happens to one or all of them, there will be no questions asked, you will die, most likely by my hand, when you least expect it.”
“So are you saying that I cannot exercise my husbandly rights with my own wife?”
St. Erth’s black brow shot up. “Yes, that is what I’m saying.”
Burrow cursed under his breath. “Why should I even keep her then, damn you?”
“That is a very good question, Burrow.” Marrek kicked the forgotten paper on the floor toward him. “You may sign the document.”
“I’ll take my chances. I’ll do the devil’s work for you, but I’m keeping my wife. She’s mine. No one else will have her!”
St. Erth hid the anger rising inside him well. True his superior wanted Grenville and Somerton at all costs, and that required Burrow’s cooperation. Marrek, Charlie and his former love, the beauteous Catherine, wanted her freedom. This could work in their favor. Eventually, Burrow would slip and Marrek could personally free Catherine once and for all from her evil husband. “You may keep her only on my terms. Do you agree to them?”
“Yes,” Burrow sniffed with disdain. “For how long?” the Marquess asked in irritation. He lifted a bushy brow.
“Forever, if necessary.”
“When you have Lord Grenville and Lord Somerton then I will be free?”
“Mayhap. Mayhap not.” Marrek shrugged. “That particular decision shall be left up to the King. I suggest you cooperate well with His Majesty’s dictates. He may be forgiving of your treason. Personally, I say once a traitor always a traitor.”
“Fine! I am leaving, for I find your company most offensive. I take it you will see my wife is delivered to her mother’s house.”
St. Erth nodded. “Of course. You will receive detailed instructions from me tomorrow morning at ten o’clock on how I shall receive information from you. You will always give what I need to Lady’s Burrows guards. They will see that I get it.” Marrek removed the Sword cane from the Marquess’ throat. “By the way, her guards shall return with her today. Her maid will be sent to you once you return to Bath.”
Two large, muscled men stepped into the room. They both turned and watched the Marquess hasten from the room with amused gazes.
St. Erth watched Lord Burrow exit with a sardonic smile. He turned to Creed St. Germans, Viscount Roscarrow, one of his fellows at the Department. “Creed, go find Charlie and bring him to the study. Tell him to wait for me there. I must find Lady Burrow and speak with her privately.”
“She’s in the garden, Marrek,” Ruan Menwennick, the Earl of Ince, also a colleague whom he worked with at the Department informed him.
Marrek and his fellow members of the Peerage who worked at the Department operated secretly. They were a special force who worked for the Crown, for they possessed special gifts and skills.
Marrek nodded. “Thank you, Ruan. Will you return to Lady Burrow’s childhood home and keep an eye on the Marquess until Creed, Charlie and I return her later today? I do not want to give Burrow time to alert his partners. I need you and Creed to be her personal guards for the next several weeks. Lady Burrow said they are returning to the Marquess’ estate in Bath in just a few days. You two will need to monitor everything there and set up the plan to be followed for her safety and give your directions to the new guards I will send to replace you after you arrive in Bath. Do you think two weeks of training is sufficient time to put everything in place and leave her with two permanent and highly efficient guards?”
“Yes, Creed and I can accomplish that,” Ruan agreed.
Creed nodded. “This can be easily done in two weeks time. I’ll find Charlie for you.”
“And Creed?” Marrek called as Creed began to walk away.
“Charlie will be angry with my news, and will no doubt try to plant a facer on me. Make certain you stand just outside the door so you may intervene. I don’t wish to harm a good friend.”
Creed grinned and nodded.
Chapter Four
Marrek found Catherine returning from the garden on the arm of Owen’s father, Fitzlewis.
“Ah, Lady Burrow. Your husband just left. He
asked that I relay a message to you. Since I missed the walk in the garden, perhaps you will join me while I take a small turn. I have heard Roseland’s gardens are quite breathtaking.”
“Of course, my Lord.” Catherine gave him a smile. Although she hid it well, Marrek detected her nervousness.
The others filed back into the house. Marrek waited until they were far from the veranda to speak. A few of Greyton’s guests still lingered outside.
“Lady Burrow, I regret to inform you that your husband would not sign the divorce papers.” Marrek nearly flinched as he witnessed the disappointment and fear he saw on the beautiful Catherine’s face. “But,” Marrek felt compelled to relieve the lady’s worry instantaneously, “Rest assured, he will never hurt you again. He will never lay a hand on you or touch you – ever. He will speak to you with nothing but politeness. You will have two male guards with you at all times, my employees, and that starts today. You shall receive a new maid, also employed by me next week when you return to Bath. You shall always be safe. And the guards will take turns standing outside your door at night. You and I shall correspond every two days. At the first sign of trouble, you will be removed and your husband killed. He knows this, so he will comply with my rigid rules. I swear to you upon my life, you will not be harmed.”
“For how long? What of his husbandly rights, I know he will try-“ Catherine shuddered as she was interrupted by Lord St. Erth.
“Lord Burrow no longer has husbandly rights where you are concerned. He gave them up in order to live. I know he thinks he will assist the King and get you back in his bed, but I assure you he will not. Once we get the information we need from him I give you my oath I shall remove you from him permanently. It could take up to three years to gather the evidence we need. It will be five years at the most, Catherine.”
Marrek saw some relief enter her large and mesmerizing gray-green eyes. Some might have thought her prominent cheek-bones and stubborn chin detracted from her beauty. He disagreed. She was of medium height, with hair of a warm chestnut color. Catherine was delicately boned and slender, possibly a little too thin, but Marrek found her to be quite the most beautiful woman he ever set eyes on. It was her quiet strength he found most alluring.
It was Marrek’s misfortune that he found this woman so attractive, for Catherine Feywood Hewett, the Marchioness of Burrow, had been in love with his friend Charlie for four years. Charlie still loved her.
Their love was doomed from the beginning for Catherine’s father, Viscount Norbury, had forbidden Charlie to court Catherine. She had been promised to Lord Burrow at the tender age of fifteen. She was forced to wed him at nineteen. Catherine’s love affair with Charlie had ended upon her betrothal some months before the wedding.
Charlie had wanted to take Catherine away from England all those years ago; he intended to leave his family and responsibilities behind so they could be together. Catherine would not allow Charlie to leave the life he was born to and deserved. Catherine severed their relationship, left Devon with her father and married Burrow.
Charlie just the week before found out that Catherine had been beaten and ill-used by Burrow during the nearly three years of her marriage. The fact that she feared for her life brought her home to Devon seeking Charlie’s help
Though Charlie had been bitter toward her after their initial separation and her subsequent wedding, he did still love her. She returned his affections. When Catherine came to Charlie for help, the pair realized their love for one another remained. They resumed their love affair. Their mutual affection was obvious when they were together.
Marrek frowned. He wondered why he still felt himself so drawn to this woman, knowing she loved another; a man whom he called a friend at that.
“Five years?” Catherine sighed heavily. “I would then be free?” She smiled up at him with hope shining in her eyes.
“Yes. My goal is to end it in three, however, this conspiracy is a delicate and serious matter, and one His Majesty wishes to thoroughly quash. It involves Heads of State from other countries. Five years at the most, I promise you.”
Catherine straightened. “I’ve lived in hell for well over two years. I can certainly live in a prison where I’m protected for five more with the promise of freedom when it is done. Thank you, Lord St. Erth. I appreciate all you’ve done.”
Marrek held his breath, her smile affected him far more than he would have imagined. Her sincere gratitude was reflected in her large, grayish green eyes. The color resembled a stone he saw in a shop in India once called a moss agate. In truth, he’d never seen a pair of eyes that captivated him as hers did.
“You are welcome, Lady Burrow.” Marrek nodded and led her back in the direction of the house.
“Damn it all, Marrek!” Charlie ran his hand through his hair. His agitation was evident. “I hoped she would be freed from her private hell today!”
“I know you do not think so, but it is actually better for her this way, Charlie. If she were freed by his signing the divorce papers today, I could offer her no protection from the Crown. She would be shunned by society. As it stands, she will now be protected. She is an important factor in this mission.”
“A pawn in your game!” Charlie spat. “I fear that is all she is to you, Marrek,” Charlie’s tone was bitter.
Marrek nodded. “I suppose it appears that way. I assure you Catherine is more than a pawn to me, Charlie.” Marrek didn’t lie. He wanted badly to give Catherine her freedom. “She is your love, and I want nothing more than to see the two of you together.” The last remark might be considered a lie. Marrek had dreamed of holding Catherine in his arms the last two nights, why he did not know. He added, “She did seem relieved that she will be protected and this will end for good, sometime within the next five years. I assure you, Charlie, once we have the information we need, Burrow shall be a dead man and Catherine will truly be free without the blight of divorce. You would then be able to marry her right away.”
Charlie sighed heavily. He gave Marrek a slight nod.
“I can arrange for the two of you to meet privately from time to time, Charlie. Burrow gave up his husbandly rights in order to live.”
“Good! Thank God for that,” Charlie sighed heavily. “I am more relieved knowing that blighter won’t touch her. If I can see her…” Charlie shook his head, “It’s all I can hope for at this time. I’ll take whatever time I can get with her.” Charlie pointed a finger at Marrek, “Promise me you will do whatever it takes to end this sooner.”
“I gave Lady Burrow my word, and I give it to you as well. My goal is to end this in three years. It could even be sooner. It could take five, but I want it done in three.”
Charlie nodded. “You will write to me while I’m in Italy and tell me how she fares?”
Marrek nodded. “Of course.”
“I wish to join you when you take her to her mother’s house after tea. Where is Creed?” Charlie asked.
“He is waiting near the carriage. It is imperative all but those here at Roseland think him and Ruan footmen, for they will be seen near Catherine here in Devon for the next several days. Creed and I shall ride outside the carriage. You and Catherine shall be alone until we reach her childhood home.”
“Charlie?” Catherine smiled brightly when she saw her only love waiting inside the carriage.
“Yes, Catherine.” He extended his hand and helped her to be seated.
Once the carriage turned onto the lane from the drive, Charlie moved to sit beside her. He took her hand in his.
“Catherine, no matter how long this takes, I will wait for you. I want to marry you when this is ended. I’ve always loved you, I’ve never stopped. I’ve never loved another.” Charlie brought her small hand to his lips and kissed it.
He was so thankful Catherine had come to him for help with her situation. Now she was safe. They had reunited. Still only lovers, their future now held the promise of marriage. It’s what they both wanted now, just as they had three years ago.
nbsp; Once she was safely surrounded by Marrek’s protective web in Bath, he and Catherine could have more than a rushed hour here and there which was all they had this past week. Marrek promised him he would arrange for them to meet for full day and possibly even two day trysts, as well as an hour or two here and there. It wasn’t much, but it was all they had.
Catherine’s eyes misted. She half smiled and half sobbed. “I love you too, Charlie. I’ve never stopped.” She smiled brightly, “I will marry you when this is finished. It’s all I ever wanted.” She looked into his blue eyes and brushed an errant lock of his sandy hair from his forehead.
“We’ll get through this together, Catherine. St. Erth shall arrange for us to meet from time to time, not enough for my liking I’ll wager, but I’ll take what time I can get with you, my darling.”
Their fingers entwined, the pair kissed until the carriage turned up the drive to Catherine’s childhood home.
Marrek and Charlie returned to Roseland in time to join the party playing a game of bowls on the lawn.
After the game, the participants cleaned up for dinner. Owen led his lovely Grace to the dining room on his arm. He could scarcely keep his eyes off Grace throughout their meal. It was very clear to him Grace enjoyed her day tremendously. It looked and felt so right, her being here with him at his home. He could hardly wait for the day he brought her to Roseland as his bride.
After dinner, Charlie’s sister, Wednesday played the pianoforte while the rest of their party danced. Owen danced with Grace the entire time.
Charlie’s family was staying overnight at Roseland. Owen ordered a carriage to take Grace home near midnight. He purposely omitted a chaperone. None seemed to notice, and nothing would be said if they did. The Inwoods were like family.