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Lords of Honor Page 10

  The men remained somber and quiet for several moments.

  Micah began, “We’ll speak of Lyon later. Let me tell you our plan, Newt. We will leave before dawn tomorrow. There are at least six Brown Coats here, mayhap more. I trust we can add you to our party?”

  “I saw three of them outside. I will absolutely join your party. I grew quite accustomed to taking out Brown Coats in Glastonbury, and as recently as two days ago in London. I’ve grown rather fond of it, actually. Did I mention Lyon was generally followed on his escapades in London by men in brown coats? They watch my house as well.”

  “We leave at dawn,” Micah proceeded to tell Newt their plan.

  When Micah slipped into bed next to Libby, she turned to face him.

  “Can’t sleep, sweetheart?” Micah asked as he pulled his lady, dressed in one of her new nightgowns, into his arms.

  Libby shook her head. “I’m a little nervous about tomorrow.”

  “Don’t be, sweetheart. We’ll be fine.” Micah stroked her back. He kissed her temple. He placed a chaste kiss to her lips. He could not bring himself to do more with Owen in the next room. “Sleep, Libby. You need your rest.”

  Libby snuggled closer to Micah, and after a time, she did sleep.

  “Wake up, Libby.” Micah gently shook his lady’s shoulder. “It’s time to rise.”

  Libby opened her eyes. Seeing Micah’s face above hers, she smiled. She wondered if she would ever get used to waking to the sight of such a handsome man. She sat up, throwing her heavy hair over her shoulder, and rose from the bed. Micah was already dressed.

  “I’ll help you into your stays when you are ready. I’ll turn my back.”

  “Very well.” Libby whispered.

  He dared not gaze upon the nakedness of his Lady. For her elder brother was in the other room, and Micah’s control where Libby was concerned was to the point of being non-existent.

  Libby lifted her nightdress over her head. She hurried into her chemise, stockings, petticoats and half boots. Micah laced her stays. He helped her into her new midnight gown.

  Libby placed her nightdress in her new bag and quickly braided her hair. She tied a new ribbon around it.

  Micah took her bag in his free hand.

  Owen waited near the door to the hallway when they entered the parlour. His small pack slung over his shoulder, he asked, “Ready?” He opened the door when they nodded.

  In less than ten minutes they were headed out of Salisbury. Lord Sinclair rode with the driver. His horse and Micah’s were tied behind the carriage. The rest of the men rode surrounding the carriage. They exited directly from the side of the stables, and left via a small street going in the opposite direction of the main road. After circling a block, they pulled onto the Salisbury Road. It appeared no one noticed their early morning departure. No Brown Coats were posted at the stable side street exit. They were not followed. From the vantage point of the Brown Coats on watch at the front and back of the inn their party could not be seen leaving from the side street exit.

  After a time, Libby relaxed and leaned against Micah, resting her head against his shoulder.

  Micah put his arm around her, and held her close. He produced his cape from beside him on the seat and placed it in her lap. “Are you cold, sweetheart?”

  “No, Micah, you’re warm.” Libby snuggled against him and lifted her face to view him. Micah smiled as he gazed into the sapphire pools that entranced him so.

  Darkness surrounded them. The pink and gold rays of the sun had just begun to lighten the horizon. Micah took advantage of the scant light and kissed Libby. There would be no more opportunities for a stolen kiss now the sun was beginning its ascent. He could not let things get out of control with Owen and the others around. After a very quick, sweet kiss, he pulled away, allowing his hand to rub the length of her upper arm. “Why don’t you try to sleep a little more, Libby? It’s very early.”

  “No.” Libby shook her head. “I can’t sleep, Micah.”

  “We’ll be fine, Libby.” He took her hand in his and entwined his fingers with hers.

  They talked for a time. Soon she did sleep. Micah tucked the cape around her.

  The morning passed without incident. When Libby woke, she and Micah talked. Occasionally Owen or Charlie chatted with them as they rode alongside the carriage.

  They stopped briefly at a small inn in the early afternoon to change horses and take care of necessities. The men in their party came to grab a handful of something to eat from the baskets inside the carriage and passed around some containers of ale. Libby said she was not hungry, but eventually Micah coaxed her to eat a little bread, cheese, and a few pieces of apple. He made certain she drank a full cup of water.

  As they pulled back onto the road leading to Templecombe, Micah told Libby, “We should arrive at Horethorne Hall within the next two hours, sweetheart.” He smiled at her. He was eager for Libby to see Horethorne Hall; the home they would now share as man and wife.

  “It seems the Brown Coats did not see us leave. We have done very well so far.” She sighed in relief and slipped her hand back into his.

  A little over an hour later they heard Newt’s voice. “Riders coming from behind.”

  Libby tensed. She looked quickly to Micah.

  “Stay calm, Libby, it might be nothing at all.” Micah squeezed her hand reassuringly.

  “There are ten of them. Brown Coats!” Newt called out.

  “Do you know how to use a pistol, Libby?” Micah asked her calmly.

  Her eyes grew wide. She nodded. “Yes, Owen taught me.”

  Micah removed a small pistol from inside his coat pocket. He put it in her hands. “How about a knife?”

  “Owen did not teach me how to use a knife, I’m sorry to say.”

  Micah removed the same small knife he used at the cottage to cut their apple from his boot. He laid it on the seat beside her. “It is here if there is a need for it. If someone reaches for you just jab at them, their hands, face, arms, thighs. Try to wound them anywhere you can that will slow them down and then get away.”

  “I won’t have to get away. You’ll be here, won’t you?”

  “I will not leave you, Libby.” Micah reached out and caressed her cheek.

  Libby nodded. She wished she felt a little braver. She was not a fearful person, but these Brown Coats did frighten her.

  Micah withdrew a larger pistol from another pocket inside his coat. He set it on the seat beside him. He lifted his trouser leg and removed a longer knife from a sheath inside his other boot.

  The carriage picked up pace and moved along faster.

  Owen came to the window on Libby’s side. “Don’t you worry, pet. Micah and I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  “Nor shall I, Miss Libby.” Charlie came up to ride beside the carriage door on Micah’s side.

  Matthias Halfknight, Lord Sinclair called from the box, “Two riders up ahead, coming fast. I don’t see brown coats. They’re close. Get Libby down if I tell you to.”

  “Let me know, Sinclair,” Micah called loudly.

  “Sweetheart, do you want to get down on the floor?” Micah asked her.

  Libby regarded Owen, then Micah. She shook her head. “No, I prefer to stay here so I can see you both.”

  “Fine for now, but if one of us orders you to the floor, you do it, Libby. Understood?” Owen said sternly.

  She nodded. “Yes, Owen.”

  “Riders in front are allies. Harry and Wyldhurst!” Lord Sinclair bellowed from the drivers’ bench.

  “Good, that makes us eight to their ten.” Micah smiled at Owen, then asked, “Owen, how well does Libby shoot?”

  Owen chuckled, “Not well. Be careful, Micah.”

  “Owen!” Libby reprimanded her brother. “I’m a good shot and you know it!”

  “Sorry, couldn’t help it, pet. She’s a steady shot, Micah. She can hit her mark,” Owen grinned. His eyes, almost as deep a blue as his sister’s, twinkled merrily.

“Yes, I can hit my marks, Micah!” Libby smiled at her handsome husband to be.

  Micah grinned at her. Every new thing he found out about his Libby just endeared her to him more. If they weren’t in such a precarious situation and if Owen and Charlie weren’t riding beside the carriage looking on, Micah would have kissed her at that moment.

  “Brown Coats are pushing it now! They’ll be on us in a few minutes,” Newt’s voice sounded from behind.

  Charlie turned his mount away from Micah’s side of the carriage and was replaced by Harry Bellingham, the Earl of Glaston.

  “Micah. Lady Elizabeth, I am glad to see you are well.”

  “Harry! Where’s Rowena?” Micah asked.

  “She waits for us at Horethorne Hall, though she wanted to come along. Don’t worry Lady Elizabeth; we’ll have you safely to the Hall in no time.” With a parting nod, Harry moved forward again to allow Charlie back into position.

  Harry’s voice boomed, “They’re almost on us. On the count of three; everyone, except Charlie and Owen, turn and fire. One, Two, Three!”

  The sounds of gunshots sounded behind them. A few stray shots answered the initial thundering boom.

  Libby grasped Micah’s hand tightly. Harry’s voice sounded further back now.

  “Fire again! One, Two Three!” The sound of guns firing followed the order.

  A few more shots were heard after that round.

  “Another!” Harry commanded.

  One more round of shots were fired.

  “Is anyone harmed?” Libby asked Owen. He turned back to inspect his colleagues. He shook his head as he faced her again. “We’re fine. It appears they are down four men.” He turned in his saddle again. “Make that five. Another just slowed and turned away.”

  “Sinclair, tell the driver to get the carriage moving! The Brown Coats are falling back. We need to gain some distance,” Harry’s voice boomed from behind the conveyance.

  Libby was unaware she held her breath until she exhaled deeply. “You’re certain no one is wounded, Owen?” Libby asked with concern.

  “Is anyone hit?” Owen shouted out.

  After a chorus of no’s, he returned his gaze to his sister. He smiled and shook his head. “We’re all fine, pet.”

  “They’ve quit following us, at least for the meantime,” Newt’s voice sounded nearer to the carriage now.

  “We should arrive at the Hall in about a half hour, Libby.” Micah slipped his arm about her shoulders and drew her close. He kissed her temple.

  Libby exhaled in relief and leaned against Micah.

  The carriage turned onto the drive leading to Horethorne Hall in late afternoon. Micah leaned close to Libby and whispered, “Welcome home, sweetheart.”

  She smiled up at him.

  She eagerly took in the view beyond the carriage window as the sixteenth century manor house appeared around a bend in the drive. The old yellow stone glowed in the late afternoon sun. There were wings on either side of the house and there appeared to be another behind the original manor. The multitude of mullioned windows gleamed in the sunlight. Colorful flowers bloomed in the well tended beds that were laid out on one side of the house. Large majestic trees lined the drive, their branches forming a canopy as the carriage moved slowly toward the Hall. Libby found the house’s appearance to be warm and inviting.

  Libby met Micah’s gaze. “It’s a beautiful house, Micah.” She gave him a broad smile.

  “I’m glad you like it, Libby.” He squeezed her hand and brought it quickly to his lips. He gave her a very pleased smile of his own.

  Micah handed his Lady down and led her up the stone steps. His hand remained at the small of her back.

  It surprised Libby when she saw a beautiful blonde woman exit through the main door. She appeared to be heading straight toward them. Micah mentioned he only had one sibling, a sister, Mary, and that she was married and lived in Yorkshire. Surely this could not be her.

  Harry Bellingham passed them on the steps and gathered the woman into his arms.

  “Was there trouble, Harry?”

  “Yes, my love, but we came through it unscathed,” Harry assured the woman with the angelic appearance.

  “An urgent message arrived for you from Trevan,” she told Harry.

  “What is it about?”

  “I did not read it, Harry. It was addressed to you and Micah!”

  Libby guessed her to be the new Lady Glaston.


  Libby noted the happy smiles exchanged between Lady Glaston and Micah.

  “Rowena!” Micah called to her.

  “It’s so good to see you. I’ve missed you terribly, Micah.”

  Micah hugged Lady Glaston. “I’ve missed you too. Rowena, this is Lady Elizabeth, rather Libby. And Libby, this is Lady Glaston; Rowena to us.”

  “Oh, my dear, Libby, I am so happy to see you are well. We were all so worried about you.”

  “I am well, thanks to Micah and Lord Elveston, and all the others who have come to our aid.”

  “Let me take you upstairs. I’m certain you would you like to bathe and change before dinner.”

  “Yes, that would be wonderful.”

  “Rowena, Libby is to be put into the Lady’s chamber next to mine. I wrote to Mrs. Clarke to have it ready. Libby and I shall be married as soon as can be arranged.”

  Micah held his breath. If Rowena was surprised, she did not show it. She said nothing. She merely smiled at them both.

  “Of course, come up with me Libby. Simmonds will lead us to your chamber.” Rowena took Libby by the hand and led her into the house. Libby glanced over her shoulder, seeking Micah. He offered her a bright smile as Rowena led her away.

  She was impressed by the large entry hall of Horethorne Hall. The entry felt warm and welcoming, no doubt due to the highly polished original Elizabethan paneling. The focal point, the grand stair, was immense with intricately carved banisters and railings. On the outside wall, at the first landing was a tall narrow stained glass window. The lowering sun lit the brilliant colors of garnet, sapphire, emerald, citrine and a myriad of other shades and colors. The scene on the window depicted an armored Knight on a white destrier gazing upward at a shining castle rising on a hill above him. The pennant he held showed a menacing red dragon upon a white background.

  Once upstairs, Simmonds, the butler, led them past the entrance to a long gallery and a small parlour and took them down a hallway leading to bedchambers. They walked the entirety of the long hallway which ended in a sitting area situated before a large floor to ceiling window. Simmonds motioned them to one of two very large, ornately carved doors.

  “Your rooms, my Lady.” He opened the door and allowed the ladies entrance.

  The Lady’s apartments were large and spacious. There was a sitting room, a bedroom which appeared to be connected to the Lord’s chamber, and connecting dressing rooms.

  Rowena smiled at Libby. “Micah wrote to me that he recently refurnished these rooms. It is lovely, don’t you think?”

  “Yes, I do.” The colors were soft, muted and antique shades of gold, blue, garnet and a golden green. “It is very relaxing.” The furniture was dark and the carpets were of deep, muted colors. The draperies on the three windows in the bedchamber were a light golden fawn color. The walls were papered in a soft, muted pale blue silk.

  “I should hang these up,” Libby said as she peered in her small bag, “or I shall look a fright at dinner. I do not have a proper dinner gown. These were all we could get so quickly in Salisbury.”

  “I’ll give this garnet gown to Martha for you to wear tonight. I daresay you shall look stunning in such a color, Libby. Simmonds told me earlier, Martha is to be your maid. She will get the creases out. I think you would probably like to save the silvery blue for your wedding, wouldn’t you?”

  “Yes.” Libby said cheerfully. Knowing she and Micah would marry soon made her heart race with anticipation.

  When Martha came in Libby handed over her soile
d clothing; her petticoats, corset, stockings chemises and the ruined blue gown she was kidnapped in.

  “More gowns are being made. They are to be delivered here, but I do not know when they will arrive,” Libby explained.

  “No worries, ma’am. I’ll get these laundered and back to you as quickly as I can. Did you want me to take the gown you have on now, as well?”

  “Yes, you can take it after I bathe.”

  “Very good, ma’am. You’re bath is being prepared in the dressing room. It should be ready shortly. I’ll be in to assist you.”

  “Thank you, Martha.” Libby smiled.

  “Dinner shall be served in an hour, Libby. Would you like me to have something brought up to tide you over? Some tea, perhaps?”

  “Tea would be lovely, Rowena, may I call you by your given name?”

  “Of course, Libby. Micah is our dear friend, and now you shall be too! I’ll have your tea waiting for you in the sitting room when you get out of the bath.”

  “Thank you.”

  Micah almost didn’t recognize his wife-to-be when she entered the drawing room with Rowena. Dressed in a simple but elegant garnet silk gown which Mrs. Bingington altered to fit Libby’s figure perfectly, her sable hair arranged in an elegant coiffure; he admitted his lady looked dazzling. The deep garnet color complimented her lovely complexion. It emphasized the redness of her lips and the creaminess of her skin. It enhanced the sapphire blue of her eyes. The décolleté dipped low enough to expose the uppermost swell of her lovely breasts.

  He left his conversation with Harry to join Libby. “I trust you found your rooms to your liking?”

  “Yes.” She smiled up at him, noting the approval contained in his silvery eyes. “The Lady’s apartments are beautiful, I love them.”

  “Good.” He nodded. He leaned closer to her. “You look beautiful, Libby,” Micah whispered against her ear.