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Lords of Honor Page 9

  Libby watched her brother and Micah go into the bedchamber. The one she and Micah shared for the past two nights.

  Charlie sensed Libby’s nervousness. “Miss Libby, let me tell you of the trouble Tuesday and Wednesday got themselves into last week…” Charlie began to tell her of his sisters’ antics.

  “First, Owen I must tell you that Libby’s virtue remains intact.”

  Owen sighed, then nodded. “I expected no less of you, Micah.”

  “I proposed to Libby and she has accepted.”

  Owen studied him a long moment. He exhaled and asked, “Are you offering for her because you feel it your duty as a gentleman, or because you truly want to marry my sister? I was under the impression you would never marry again, Micah”

  “I do want to marry again, Owen. I very much want to marry Libby. In fact, I planned to visit Roseland two weeks hence to see if Libby was interested in me, for the last few times I visited Roseland Abbey, I found myself very attracted to her.”

  “I wondered why you planned to come alone to Devon. Generally you come with Harry, Jack or Wyldhurst.” Owen leaned back in his chair and gave Micah a small nod.

  Micah explained further, “Libby was very ill, Owen. She was severely overdosed on laudanum. She was sick to her stomach. She was dizzy, her limbs were weak. She could not walk or stand, or even sit up overlong. Libby was very uncomfortable, in pain even, being in her stays and gown since she was kidnapped. I undressed her to help her be more comfortable. I put her in my extra shirt. I held her while she emptied her stomach. I gave her sips of water. I stood near her while she took care of her necessities for her balance was so poor. The only thing I could do to keep her warm was hold her. She was restless and ill that first night. I comforted her so she might rest more easily. As the laudanum began to wear off, she began feeling a little better and we spent the time talking. Her personality is so endearing. I think she is a beautiful person, Owen.”

  Micah continued, “When we came to Salisbury, I decided I could not let her stay in a room alone. For her safety, I kept her with me. We were checked in as Mr. and Mrs. Wychcombe, though I suspect Mr. Banfield now knows I am Wincanton. I helped Libby into the tub while I, of course turned my back. There were no nightclothes or clean clothing for her to change into. I knew you would not want servants knowing of her situation. We have slept together since Wednesday, but I have not taken advantage of her. However, we are very familiar with one another. I know Libby cares for me as I do her. We have kissed, because she would not accept my proposal without one.” A small smile lit Micah’s face. “And we have continued to kiss. I promise you I shall respect and honor your sister, that I will spend the rest of my life making her happy.”

  Owen nodded. He looked into Micah’s eyes. “Do you love her, Micah?” he asked softly.

  “I think so, Owen.” Micah nodded. “I know I’m well on my way there. I care for her very deeply. If I am not now in love with her, I am certain I will be soon. I haven’t had much time to contemplate the depth of my feelings for her…”

  Owen sighed and finished Micah’s sentence for him, “Because you’ve been protecting her and caring for her. Thank you, Micah. Thank you for being there for my sister. Yes, you may marry her. I can think of no better man to be her husband. But you will understand if I wish to speak with her first.”

  “Of course, I understand perfectly. I’ll send her in,” Micah turned and left, he could not suppress the grin he knew to be on his face. Owen gave him his blessing to marry Libby!

  “Owen wishes to speak with you Libby.” Micah said softly, as he came to stand beside Libby.

  Libby turned to him with a worried look marring her beautiful features. Micah winked at her. “Go in. Everything is fine,” he whispered.

  Libby sighed in relief. She flashed Micah a quick smile and entered the bedroom to talk to her brother.

  “Yes, Owen?”

  “Libby, Micah told me he proposed to you.”

  She smiled brightly as she nodded. “Yes.”

  “Do you want to marry him, Libby?”

  “Yes, I do. We get along together very well. I like him very much, Owen. We talk about everything. We laugh a great deal. He treats me very well. I was ill, Owen. I could do nothing for myself, not even walk. He took care of me. But I never felt uncomfortable or that I was a burden to him. He makes me feel special. And he says he will never try to control me when we are married. That I can be myself just like when I am at Roseland with you. I have been attracted to Micah for a long while now, Owen. You and Charlie always told me he would never marry again. I never thought to pursue my interest in him because of that. Micah told me he planned to visit us in Devon soon specifically to see if I had feelings for him, for he was certain he does for me.”

  Owen grinned. It seemed a very fine match for both Micah and Libby. So Micah Wychcombe planned to spoil his baby sister rotten. Just as he had! He would never have to worry about his sister being mistreated. Micah was one of the wealthiest of the Avalon Society members, so she would be well provided for. It was clear to Owen they both cared for one another. He suspected they were possibly already in love, though they might not yet know it.

  Owen walked to his sister and embraced her. “Then you shall marry him, Libby.” Owen smiled and hugged his sister tightly to him. He kissed her forehead. “I was so worried about you, pet. Thank God you recognized Wincanton and he took you from those men.”

  “I was worried too, Owen, until I recognized Micah. He told me everything would be fine. And it is.”

  “Send him back in, would you?” Owen asked her.


  Owen grinned when Micah returned. “I feel very comfortable that my sister shall be marrying you, Micah. She seems very happy. I just wanted you to know that. I just want to thank you again, for everything you have done for her.”

  “You’re welcome, but I did it all for her, Owen.”

  “I know. I’m a fortunate man to know my sister will have you for a husband.”

  “Can we marry quickly, Owen? I sent a message to Newt in London and asked him to procure a special license for myself and Libby to marry. I am hoping we can marry once we arrive in Templecombe. Would this be acceptable to you?”

  “Under the circumstances, a quick wedding is best, I think. She has been gone from Roseland Abbey since Monday.”

  Micah sighed in relief. “Good, the sooner the better.”

  “We’re not going to talk about why you want a quick wedding again.” Owen shook a finger at him. “I cannot even think about that. I will not picture my baby sister…”

  Micah grinned and held up his hands. “Understood, Owen. I apologize for my remark.”

  “Sleeping arrangements will have to change now that there are more here,” Owen said matter-of-factly.

  “I guessed as much.” Micah nodded.

  “I shall put Sinclair and Charlie in rooms across or next to this one. We’ll have two cots or beds brought into the parlour of your room. I shall sleep in one. You will still sleep here in this room with Libby. For her protection! I do not feel comfortable allowing her anywhere by herself. But no one else shall know, save you and I. Two of us need to be in these rooms with her at all times. After she was taken from Roseland Abbey, from right under my own nose - if I can’t see her and you can’t see her, she’s not safe.”

  “I agree. Thank you, Owen.”

  “I appreciate you being honest with me, Micah. Let’s get into the sitting room. We have to come up with a plan to get us all out of Salisbury and to Templecombe safely. I would have us return to Roseland Abbey for the wedding, but it is a much further journey. Charlie tells me you need to get to Horethorne Hall for three of the scrolls are in your possession.”

  “Yes. Well hidden, I hope. But I need to finish interpreting them. How is your Greek, by the way?”

  “Mine is fair. But Libby’s is better.”

  “Libby knows Greek?” Micah grinned in amazement. She truly was the perfect woman to b
e his wife! “What else did you teach her?” he asked eagerly.

  “Latin and Astronomy for starters. She is adept at history, science, and she has also studied the Egyptian history and culture. That is one of her passions, as is the Arthurian. Also she’s partial to studying the Cathars, along with the Templars. She has a keen interest in the paranormal as well. Libby is quite a scholar. Actually, Micah, she truly is the perfect woman to be your wife.” Owen grinned at him.

  Micah nodded, smiling with appreciation and admiration for his future bride. “I believe so.”

  Mrs. Bingington, the modiste, arrived with several young women carrying boxes and some fabric. Micah sent them on to the bedroom.

  “Mr. Banfield said you wished for some items right away my Lord,” Mrs. Bingington spoke to Micah.

  “Yes. The rest can be sent to Horethorne Hall in Templecombe when you are finished with them. I would like for her to have at least two day gowns, and two evening gowns to take with us when we leave tomorrow morning. Nightgowns, wrappers, everything she would need. But quadruple that for the total order. She will need enough of a wardrobe to hold her until her own clothes can be brought from Devon. My lady requires walking dresses and a riding habit also, please.” Micah regarded Libby, who stood beside him. He smiled at her. “She needs everything to go with them as well, down to the undergarments. Can you see the milliner and shoemaker send matching items for her as well. Oh, she needs gloves also.”

  Mrs. Bingington’s eyes widened. “Yes, of course, my Lord. I have brought some gowns already made which can be altered quickly. And the rest I can make up within several days. I did bring some chemises, petticoats and stockings with me today.”

  Libby led Mrs. Bingington into the bedroom.

  Owen and Micah decided they would wait until the modiste left before drawing up their plans.

  An hour later, Mrs. Bingington left after assuring Micah she took all of Libby’s measurements and she would deliver at least four dresses and the undergarments and accessories to go with them later that afternoon. She would also enclose hair pins.

  Libby happily anticipated having a clean gown to change in to, as well as clean undergarments. And hair pins! She sat in the sitting area and listened while the men discussed their plans.

  They all agreed they needed to leave Salisbury before the Brown Coats realized they added three men to their party.

  They sent for Mr. Banfield when they decided what they needed for the next morning’s departure. They would set out well before dawn, and try to get away in the hour just before daylight.

  According to Mr. Banfield, the brown coats watching the inn seemed to number less during the wee hours. Baskets of food would be packed into the carriage so they would have it later when they needed it. They would leave from the side of the inn through the kitchen, and enter the stables. Their horses and the carriage would be ready at that time. The stable lads were instructed to be very quiet in their duties. Micah and Libby would be inside the carriage. Mr. Banfield’s cousin would drive, leaving Owen, Jack, Charlie and Sinclair armed and surrounding the conveyance.

  Libby assured them she could ride if it would make their journey faster, but Owen and Micah both decreed she would not ride. They felt Libby was not fully recovered and needed to travel comfortably in the carriage. Both men also declared it safest for her to ride inside a conveyance.

  They would all dress in the dark, for they did not want any lights coming from their rooms that early to prompt the Brown Coats on guard they were departing. Nor did they wish to allow them time to send for more men.

  Later in the afternoon, Mrs. Bingington arrived with four dresses and accessories. Libby was very pleased with them. They all fit perfectly and were well made.

  Tired of her dirty, light blue frock, she put on a midnight blue day dress, which would be suitable for the next day’s travel. It felt wonderful to be wearing clean clothes! Libby left a matching shawl of light gray and midnight and her new bonnet in the bedroom at the ready for tomorrow morning.

  The modiste left a sturdy bag for her to carry her new clothing items in on her journey. Libby left her hair pins in the bag. She saw no point in putting her hair up tonight. Nor would she be able to do it in the morning in the darkness.

  She felt a little nervous about the danger they faced in leaving. But she was with Owen and Micah and four other able-bodied men.

  Surely they could make it to Templecombe. It was not that far.

  Chapter Six

  “You are a vision, Pet.” Owen smiled at her when she entered the parlour. “You look as though you feel better this evening. There is more color to your cheeks.”

  Libby happily accepted the kiss to her temple from her brother.

  Dinner was being brought in. Their party would eat, get everything ready for tomorrow, and get to bed.

  “Thank you, Owen.” Libby smiled. She glanced at Micah who winked at her.

  She ate some of her meal. Nervousness about their upcoming journey plagued her.

  Despite their difficulties with the Brown Coats, the men’s conversation remained jovial.

  “You haven’t eaten much,” Micah, who sat next to her, asked softly enough that only she could hear, “Are you not feeling well?”

  “I feel very well. I’m a little nervous about tomorrow, I think.”

  “All will be well, Libby. Please don’t worry. Eat a few more bites. Mayhap some cheese and fruit?”

  Libby took some cheese and apple off the platter Micah held before her.

  A knock sounded on the door.

  “Who is it?” Micah asked and rose to go to the door.

  “Mr. Banfield, my Lord.”

  Micah opened the door.

  “There is a Lord Alloway downstairs asking after you, sir. He noted the message he recently received came from the Rose and Crown. He is inquiring if you are still occupying rooms here.”

  “What does he look like?” Micah asked.

  “He sent up this, sir.” Mr. Banfield opened his hand to reveal a white feather.

  Micah took the feather. “Ah. Send him up. I think there shall be enough food here for him. Mayhap a pint for him?”

  “Yes, sir, I shall send him at once.”

  “A white feather?” Owen asked in a curious tone.

  “A lot happened in Glastonbury, Owen. When we get to Horethorne Hall we who were there shall explain everything that transpired in Glastonbury. I think Charlie has told you some. But as to the feather, some of us were witness to an appearance by the Archangel Michael in the tower on the Tor. He left white feathers behind. Oddly enough, there were enough for all who were present.

  A knock sounded again.

  “Who is it?” Micah asked first, though he stood near the door.

  “The Angel of Death.”

  “That’s Newt!” Micah opened the door with an amused grin.

  Newton Lambrick, Lord Alloway, appeared to be weary and a bit dusty from his ride.

  “You got here quick, Newt.” Micah pointed him to an empty seat.

  “I thought I should check to see if you were still here before going on to Templecombe.”

  “Is Lyon no longer in London?” Micah asked curiously.

  “He’s there. He is unable to join us. I left him in the capable hands of Lachlan and Cleve. When Lyon is more like himself, they shall bring him on to Templecombe. I believe Lyon leaked a lot of our information.”

  “Impossible!” Charlie set down his fork with a clank.

  “What are you talking about, Newt? There must be some mistake,” Jack said. “Not Lyon!”

  “No mistake. It would seem Lyon has been taking quite a lot of laudanum since he received his injury in Glastonbury. When he arrived in London, he began drinking heavily. He was always foxed when I saw him. When I noticed him at a certain establishment that I shall not mention in the presence of Lady Elizabeth,” Newt paused to give a quick bow to Libby, “it appeared he was more than just intoxicated. I caught him answering questions asked by a wom
an about Glastonbury. Let’s just say, she knew exactly what to do to get information out of him. She promptly stopped her inquiries when I made my presence known. He was not himself, out of his mind, truly. He could not speak a coherent sentence. So, I got him out of there. I took him to his house.”

  “I followed him the next day. He only went one place. He went to Limehouse. He walked right into an opium den, The Jasmine Star. Outside on the street I noticed the same gentleman who sat near Lyon and the woman the previous evening. I watched him enter the den shortly after Lyon did. I made my way in. That same gentleman lounged on a cushion near Lyon. They were conversing, and I managed to get close enough to hear some of the conversation before I made my presence known. He asked Lyon what we were searching for and what we found in Glastonbury.”

  Newt continued, “I pulled Lyon out. He’s been at my house since that day. It’s been two weeks now. I left him with Lachlan and Cleve. They will escort him to Horethorne Hall when he is able to travel. The morning I received your message, I was about to send word that there were leaks of our business in Glastonbury. I would have done it sooner, but there were other more pressing matters to clear up regarding Lyon. Since I detected you already guessed there might be a leak from your letter, I decided I would share this information with you in person. Lyon’s mind was so affected he doesn’t remember much, just bits and pieces.”

  Newt sat and accepted the plate Micah offered him. “As I mentioned, Lyon got himself into even more serious trouble that he is now very sorry for. He’s quite ashamed of himself, as he should be. Again, I cannot explain the details in Lady Elizabeth’s presence. It was a serious offense. I have taken preliminary measures to rectify the situation until he is able to take over the matter on his own. I shall personally see to it that Lyon does resolve this particular matter as soon as can be. Lyon is much altered by his debauchery. He is angry and bitter, but wishes to defeat his demons and vindicate himself. The physician assures me he will return to his old self in time if he stays away from the laudanum, alcohol and opium, and the low company he chose to keep since his return to London. I am sorry to say, he is currently being kept under lock and key. His mother is aware of the situation.”