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- K. R. Richards
Lords of Honor Page 5
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Page 5
“I am five and twenty. I almost succeeded in obtaining a comfortable life of spinsterhood.” She wrinkled her brow.
He gave her an amused smile. “Why did you not marry before now?” Did she love another? Please, no!
“My mama died ten years ago. Father spoiled me then as Owen does now, much to Aunt Priscilla’s chagrin. I never desired to marry. Neither Father nor Owen ever forced me to seek suitors. I am happy. I never desired the society of London. I run the household, I do what I want. I used to say the only reason I would marry is for love. I never met that person, I suppose. And you, Micah, you must be near Owen’s age. He’s thirty. Why have you not married?”
“I am three and thirty, Libby. You may not know I was married many years ago.” Micah paused. He would save her from asking and feeling badly. “Lucy died while giving birth to our first child, a son. He was stillborn.”
“Oh, Micah! Please forgive me, I’m so sorry,” Libby whispered. “I did know that. I-I just forgot.”
“Its fine, Libby. I don’t mind talking about it with you.” She needed to know.
“If you don’t mind my asking, Micah, did you love her?” she asked softly. Then blushed, realizing just how impertinent her question was. Did he still love her? So much that he could never love another?
“Yes, Libby. I did love Lucy. I don’t think about her much anymore. Not like I did in the beginning. Right after I lost her, I was devastated. But I decided rather recently that it is time to move on. I want to marry again. I want to love and be loved.” His eyes met Libby’s. He was already entranced by her beauty. He found her personality endearing, admired her honesty, and he desired her. He suspected he could easily fall in love with this woman.
“Oh.” Libby turned her head away. She realized she was staring at Micah’s handsome face and into his warm, silvery gray eyes. She found herself so attracted to him. “I don’t suppose I’ll find love in a quickly arranged marriage.” She shrugged then sighed. “I worry that a husband would not be happy with me for a wife. Aunt Priscilla says I’m a wild hoyden because I ride along Hartland Quay every morning and when I come back my hair has fallen out of its pins. But my hair is so heavy it always falls from its pins. She says Owen gives me far too much freedom. She does not like my bookishness or my spending time with Owen and Charlie while they research. They let me help them.” She frowned again.
“I’m worried that I shall have to marry a man who will try to change me and not let me be myself, one who might try to control me. I do not think I could be happy with someone trying to control me, Micah.” She shook her head, sending sable silk settling about her shoulders.
She continued, “According to Aunt Priscilla it is I who controlled Father and Owen, though I think that is not true. I think they both just let me be myself. There were plenty of times father did not allow me to do something, and the same with Owen. I have never done anything untoward. I am well respected among our local society. I would die if I married someone who made me live in London. I could not see myself living in Town. Do you like London, Micah?”
“No, I do not much care for London. You have beautiful hair, especially when it is down. I agree that Owen and your father just allowed you to be yourself for you do not act spoiled at all, and I agree you should not have to marry a man who tries to change or control you,” Micah said, amusement lighting his features. He smiled at her.
Libby laughed. “Ah,” she sighed, “Aunt Priscilla says that another one of my faults is that I just say whatever comes to mind. I guess she’s correct on that point.” Libby giggled softly and rolled her eyes as she took another nibble of apple.
Her laughter sounded beautiful to Micah’s ears. He tried to recall Lucy ever laughing and he could not. “I like it that you say whatever comes to mind, Libby. It’s called honesty. Don’t ever change that.”
“I do not think I could.” She shook her head and exhaled heavily as if it were a problem.
Micah chuckled then grew serious. “Libby, I know you are worried about having to marry, and all the things that could go wrong for you in that situation. I would like to ease your mind, if you would allow me to.”
“How? Please do, Micah. I should like to not worry about it. It is rather frightening to think about.”
“If you decide whom you wish to marry before you see Owen, then you will not be forced to marry someone you don’t want to.” He knew full well Owen would expect him to marry Libby in any case. Micah, himself, now expected to marry Libby.
“I don’t know anyone whom I would want to marry, save maybe you, because you at least agree with me and understand how I feel. And I’ve always-“ Libby stopped herself. She blushed crimson. Quickly, she thought of something else to say aside from admitting her attraction to him. “I’ve always enjoyed your company, Micah. But you should not have to marry me. You saved me! You are the hero in this situation. I am the unfortunate ruined maiden. Who isn’t even truly ruined, only my reputation is.”
Micah drew up his long legs and moved to sit cross-legged before her. He reached out and caressed her cheek. “It is not a matter of having to marry you Libby. I want to marry you. I think we suit very well. From the time we’ve spent together in Devon and Cornwall it seems we share the same views on many things. We have interests in common. I will not try to control you. You may carry on as if you were still living your comfortable life of spinsterhood, with the exception that you’ll be my wife, of course.” He grinned at her. “You may ride. You may do the same things you do at your home at our home, Horethorne Hall. You will be my wife, and my equal, Libby. I think there is a very good chance we may even fall in love.” His hand moved to rest lightly upon her arm.
The corners of his mouth turned upward in a smile. “And if your hair falls out of its pins, it falls out of its pins. I love your hair, by the way.” He reached out to caress strands of the sable silk in his fingers. “I will spend my life trying to make you happy. Will you marry me, Libby? We can tell Owen that we simply wish to be married, and you shall not be forced.” It was expected of him in this situation, in any case.
Micah preferred Libby choose to marry him than feel forced to do so. He did not feel forced. He wanted her as his wife. He didn’t realize how much until that moment. “In all truth, Libby, I found myself very attracted to you during my last several visits to Devon, and I planned to visit you in the next few weeks to find out if you were attracted to me. I hoped to gain permission from you and Owen to court you. I’ve found myself wishing to marry again lately, and you were the only woman I could imagine taking to wife. You’re the only woman I’ve been attracted to in all these years.” Micah then added softly, “I found myself thinking of you quite often recently.”
Libby flashed him a bright smile. “Truly? I’ve been attracted to you too, Micah. For some time,” she admitted with a blush, “But Owen always said you would never marry again.” She grinned happily then asked, “And would you take me with you on your Avalon Society trips?”
“Of course, if they are not too dangerous. I can assure you that almost every time I leave Horethorne Hall you will be with me. You will be my wife, Libby. We shall travel together. Have you been to Rome?”
“I will take you. Paris?”
“No! I’ve always wanted to see Paris. I’ve never been anywhere except England, Scotland and Cornwall.”
“Cornwall is in England, Libby,” he teased her. His eyes twinkled. He was certain she knew better. He was a guest at Menadue, the home of Trevan Chynoweth in Bodmin, a few times when Owen brought Libby along.
“Not according to Trevan Chynoweth, the Duke of Penrose, it’s not. He says Cornwall is his and they are a country unto themselves!” Libby giggled, a broad smile lighting her face.
Micah laughed. “True, Libby, he does say that.”
“May I go to Cornwall with you in September? Owen already told me I could go with him and Charlie,” she asked with an expectant smile.
“I insist you join me, L
ibby.” He took her hand in his and smiled back at her as he gently caressed her fingers.
“May I help you research?”
“Absolutely, I would welcome your help.” He nodded. “What else do you want to know before you say yes, that you will marry me, Libby? What other declarations will you have from me?”
“Do you have a large library?”
He chuckled. “Oh yes, mine is very large, I am quite certain you will approve.” He paused. He wasn’t certain, but he thought what he just said came out wrong somehow. He quickly added, “Of my library. And you may add to it as you wish.” He placed a quick kiss to the back of her hand.
“Then I suppose the only other things I would require are a proposal and a kiss. If I am to be viewed as a fallen woman, I should at least like to be kissed. I have never been kissed before.”
“Never kissed, Libby?” Micah asked softly.
“No.” Libby shook her head.
“We shall have to remedy that.”
Micah smiled as he gazed into her sapphire eyes. His expression grew serious. “Lady Elizabeth, my dearest Libby, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”
Libby returned his smile. Her eyes became teary momentarily. The only man she ever dreamed of marrying just asked her to be his wife. Libby knew how well suited she and Micah were for one another. There truly was nothing for her to think about. She smiled brightly. “Yes, Micah, Lord Wincanton, I shall allow you the honor of being my husband.”
Micah laughed. He brought her palm to his lips this time. He grinned at her as he winked. “Thank you for allowing me to become your husband, Libby.”
She grinned back then grew serious. She reached out, smoothed an errant lock of dark brown hair from his forehead. “I would be so honored and happy to become your wife, Micah.”
Micah dipped his head. He feathered his lips against hers at first then covered her lips fully. He gently deepened the kiss. He began to probe the sweetness of her mouth with his tongue. She tasted of apple. Her lips were soft, her mouth warm and yielding. He inhaled her lilac scent. Tentatively, she returned his kiss. She began to match the movements of his tongue. His hands moved to cradle her face. Her hands moved to his arms.
Libby thought Micah’s kiss to be heavenly. She felt warmth surge through her. She loved the feel of his lips on hers. They were tender and warm. She liked the way his tongue sought hers.
When Micah realized he could lose himself in her sweet kiss, he lifted his head. He would not allow things to go further than kisses between them. He would not have it said he took advantage of her in their situation. He smiled as he looked into her eyes. “You have been proposed to and kissed, my Lady.” He wanted to kiss her again, more deeply and more thoroughly, yet he drew back. He didn’t want to frighten her. And he did not trust himself at the moment to just kiss her. Images of all the things he wished to do to Libby continued to barrage his suddenly over active imagination.
“Yes, I have, my Lord.” Libby’s eyes sparkled. “I like kissing you, Micah. It is very nice.”
“Mmm. I like kissing you too, Libby. Kissing you is especially nice.” Too nice. She tasted too damn good. He changed the subject. “Now, you must sip more water; perhaps eat another sliver of apple. The rain has let up a bit. Mayhap it will stop and we can get to Salisbury soon. I would feel better if I could provide you a proper bed to rest upon and decent food to eat.” He offered her the cup after taking a drink himself.
“Yes. I will try another slice of apple. I do hope we can get to Salisbury as well. I would love a bath.”
While she sipped the water, he moved from the bed and retrieved a sliver of apple from the table. He offered it to her. He chewed on a piece of it as well.
“Thank you, Micah.”
He leaned up against the headboard while she finished her apple. They talked about some recent Avalon Society acquisitions for a time. The rain picked up again. Libby began looking pale. Micah urged her to lie down. “You need to rest a bit, sweetheart. I want you feeling your best if we do get a chance to go to Salisbury today.”
Libby nodded her consent. She realized she felt a bit tired. She slid between the blankets as Micah held the top one up for her. He lay down beside her. He gently placed her head on his shoulder as he pulled her against him. His arms around her, they faced one another, smiling, touching and exchanging soft, sweet kisses. His hand gently massaged her arm, her back, her shoulder. He drew her closer, despite his awakening desire.
Libby nestled her head beneath his chin. Her hands rested against his chest. She fell asleep listening to the sound of Micah’s deep, even breathing.
Micah was sleepy now. The rain continued. He thought he might take a short nap. With his free hand he removed his spectacles and set them on the table. Unable to sleep, he listened to the rain and for any sounds of movement outside the cottage. He reasoned in daylight, Libby’s kidnappers might be searching for them despite the weather. He tried to stay awake. He feared he’d sleep too long and miss the opportunity to get Libby to Salisbury if it did stop raining. But lying with the lovely Libby in his arms, snuggled against her warm, soft body, feeling relaxed and happy, he did fall asleep.
He opened his eyes and saw weak sunlight filtering in through the shabby, thin curtains hanging over the window. He heard no rain. He eased his arm and shoulder from beneath the sleeping Libby. He put on his spectacles and rose from the bed. He slipped his watch from his waistcoat. It was two o’clock. If it didn’t appear more rain was coming, he would have time to get Libby to Salisbury before nightfall!
He pulled on his boots and went outside. He regarded the clearing sky toward Salisbury. The rain must have recently stopped, and the storm passed to the east, for it still appeared dark with rain heavy clouds in the direction they traveled from last night. All the more reason to leave now! If the Brown Coats were still waiting for the rain to pass and were behind them, it would be safer for him and Libby to leave for Salisbury now. He decided they needed to make a break for Salisbury immediately.
He quickly donned his waistcoat and coat. He returned his pistol to the pocket inside his coat.
“Libby, sweetheart?” He shook her shoulder gently.
“Umm? Yes?”
Libby stretched. She opened her eyes and immediately smiled when she gazed upon him. Micah could have melted. She was so beautiful. And her smile! Her smile was like heaven to him. He smiled back at her and stroked her hair. “Sweetheart, the rain has stopped. I think we can make it to Salisbury. Let me help you sit up. Unless you feel absolutely too ill to sit upon the horse, I want us to try and make it. You won’t feel better until we can get you some food.”
She nodded. Libby felt a little disoriented as he helped her up, but not nauseated, though she still felt weak.
“Take a sip.” Micah brought the cup to her lips.
“I must get dressed, I suppose.”
“Yes. Let me put the cape around you. I’ll take you outside to do the necessary first.”
He carried her to the side of the house and waited at arm’s length for her to finish. He carried her back inside.
He quickly dressed her, and she allowed it. She braided her hair while he went to the lean to and saddled the horse.
“Do you feel well enough to travel, Libby?” Micah asked her with concern. It was obvious to him she was not feeling any better, for she remained pale and seemed far too weak.
“Yes.” She nodded. “We need to go while we can, Micah.”
He placed his folded cape in her hands, placed his shirt she wore and his comb back in his bag. Wiped his knife off and slid it back in his boot.
Before Micah closed the door, Libby glanced back inside the cottage. She wanted to remember the place where Micah proposed to her. She turned her face upward to regard him.
Micah smiled down at her. He lowered his face toward hers and placed a quick kiss to her forehead. He did not trust himself to kiss those red lips at the moment. “Shall we make our way to Salisbury, Libby?”
br /> “Yes, Micah.”
They made it to Salisbury without incident or more rain. The road was muddy, but not dangerously so. He already decided he would not leave Libby in a room by herself for her safety. They were checked into the Rose and Crown as Mr. and Mrs. Wychcombe. He also paid the innkeeper to send someone to purchase several new chemises and pairs of silk stockings first thing the next morning for Libby. They were fortunate their room provided the benefit of a private parlour.
He ordered dinner to be brought up, along with extra bread, clear broth and water for Libby. Libby sipped her broth and ended up taking about half of it. She ate one small piece of bread. She drank water. Micah tempted her to take two sips of his tea and a nibble of cheese. He ordered a bath to be brought up for her after their dinner.
After the maids brought the tub into the private sitting room and prepared her bath, Micah dismissed them. Libby remained off balance. As there were no clean clothes of any sort for her to change into, Micah didn’t want to bring attention to their odd circumstances. He would have to help her bathe.
Micah stood near with his back turned while she removed her chemise and got herself into the tub. He walked into the bedchamber and waited while Libby bathed. He heard her softly curse a couple of times. He smiled in amusement. “Is something the matter, Libby? Do you need help?” he called out to her.
“I can’t lift the pail to rinse my hair. My arms are still so weak.”
Oh dear! Micah exhaled and willed himself to be strong and not give in to his baser instincts. “I’ll help.”
His Libby wore nothing but the blush staining her cheeks. She sat in the small tub with her knees up and her arms crossed over her bosom. Trying not to notice her naked and exquisite form whilst he lifted the pail proved to be difficult. Standing behind her as he was, he could not miss the sight of her shapely derrière which was quite visible through the water in the tub below him, nor the view of her beautiful slender back. Her long legs were well exposed in the small tub for she sat with her knees up.