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Lords of Honor Page 6
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Page 6
He wet her hair and turned while she soaped it. He rinsed it twice.
He wrapped a towel about her heavy wet tresses. “I will close my eyes, Libby. Stand up, I’ll wrap the other towel around you and help you from the tub.” Micah should have closed his eyes, but he didn’t or couldn’t, he wasn’t certain which one it was.
She reminded him of a wood nymph, tall and willowy with gorgeous long legs, and her stunning body all naked and wet. He realized he studied Libby’s backside quite intently while wrapping the towel around her. He was careful not to allow his fingers to contact her skin.
His retrieved his bag on the table near him. He fumbled slightly trying to open it but he recovered and quickly produced his comb. His shirt she wore last night and this morning was already in the chair for her. He turned his back while she dried off and slipped into it. She picked up the comb and sat in the chair before the fire. In nothing but his shirt!
He couldn’t help but look longingly at those legs and imagine how it would feel to have them wrapped around him as she lay beneath him. She did not wish to put her dirty chemise back on since a clean one would be brought the next morning. He could not deny her, nor force her to wear her dirty garments she’d worn since Monday. He would have to make the effort to not look at her legs. Difficult! More like impossible.
“Would you like me to go into the bedroom while you bathe, Micah?”
“It’s up to you, Libby. If you’d rather stay in here where there is a fire and it is warmer you can. I realize summer is nearly upon us. I asked them to lay the fire for you to keep you from taking a chill while you bathed and to better dry your hair. You do whatever makes you more comfortable. I won’t be but a minute.”
“I’ll turn my back. It is warm here.”
“Very well. I shall hurry and comb your hair for you after.”
Libby heard him splashing around, and true to his word, in less than ten minutes he came to join her by the fire dressed in his trousers and shirt. His dark brown hair was wet, his face clean shaven. Her eyes lingered on his lips. She realized she wanted him to kiss her again.
Curious, Libby had been tempted to turn and see if she could get a glimpse of her future husband’s naked body while he bathed. She never saw a naked man before. In the end, she proved to be too shy to attempt it for fear he would be watching and catch her. What would she say if he caught her? I just wanted to see you naked?
Micah never felt so tortured in all his life. He gazed upon almost every inch of Libby’s beautiful body this night. He knew he would marry her and hoped it would be very soon. He could not conceive of seducing her in her present condition nor would he allow himself to have her until they were married. He never wanted it said that he took advantage of her. He would not tarnish their union for either of them. Lord, how he wanted her!
Micah worked diligently to dry Libby’s hair. He used the towel to squeeze the moisture from the dark strands, rubbed them in the thick cloth. He moved a chair to sit behind her and comb through her thick silken mane. Like the night before, Micah became entranced while combing her hair. He would realize how absorbed he was, then begin to converse with her.
“Are you tired, Libby?” he asked as he stood and placed the comb back in his bag.
“A bit. But I do feel so much better.” She smiled as he brought the wooden chair from behind her and sat beside her so he could face her.
“And your stomach, Libby, do you feel better?” he asked in concern. She took most of her broth and ate a slice of bread at dinner earlier. She nibbled on a piece of cheese he offered to her. Libby insisted she could eat no more. She refused any additional morsels he tried to tempt her with. He ate his meal ravenously.
“I feel fine.”
“You did not eat much, are you hungry now?”
“No, Micah, I’m not hungry.”
Micah saw her shiver slightly. “You’re cold, Libby. Let me get you into the bed. I must confess I myself am sleepy. I’ll have the girl send for someone to get the tub. If we do leave for Templecombe, we will have a long day tomorrow. We will just have to see how you feel. It will not hurt to stay here another day. I will send a letter to Owen first thing tomorrow morning.”
Libby moved to try and stand on her own. Micah stood and scooped her into his arms. “Let me take you, sweetheart. You need to conserve your energy.” Libby leaned her head against Micah’s chest as he carried her into the bedchamber. She yawned, realizing she was sleepier than she realized.
He reasoned he should have let her try to walk. She stepped into the tub on her own. But, he felt an overwhelming need to touch her, to feel her warm, soft body against him. This was the only innocent way he could accomplish that.
He gently placed her in the bed. “I’ll be in after the tub is gone, Libby. Do you want me to start a fire in here?”
“Will you sleep in the bed with me?”
“Yes.” He could not leave her in the bedroom alone, for her protection.
“I shall be warm enough. We have more cover here than at the cottage.”
The servants sent to remove the bath were tidy and efficient. Fifteen minutes after he deposited Libby into the bed, Micah crawled in beside her. She slept. He removed all his clothing except his trousers.
She stirred as he lay back on the pillow.
“Micah?” she whispered.
“Did I wake you, sweetheart?”
“No. I don’t think so. Was I asleep?” Libby turned over to face him.
“I thought you were. Are you still cold?”
“Just a little.” Could it be she just missed his warmth? Libby realized in a very short amount of time, she had grown accustomed to Micah’s nearness.
“Come here.” Micah pulled her closer, placing her head on his shoulder. He kissed her temple. “Better?”
“Mmm. Yes.”
“Good. Sleep well, Libby.” He rested his hand on her hip. He wanted to fall asleep before certain distracting thoughts crept into his mind and kept him awake.
Micah woke to Libby whimpering. She moved restlessly. He reached for her and pulled her close. She was dreaming. It appeared to be a nightmare, for she seemed frightened. She was talking.
“Archangel Michael, please help me get away. Please send someone to help me. I cannot even walk on my own. These men mean to kill me. Please help me!”
Micah stilled for a moment. She prayed to Archangel Michael to save her? The same angel he prayed to for his perfect love. Micah smiled to himself for a moment. He then set about comforting his lady, his fiancée, his soon-to-be wife and apparently his precious gift from the Archangel Michael. He silently thanked the angel.
“Shh, Libby, sweetheart you’re dreaming,” he whispered in her ear. She whimpered again. “Shh,” he crooned, smoothing her hair from her face. “You’re safe, Libby. You’re safe now, sweetheart.”
Her eyes fluttered open. “Micah! Oh thank goodness. I thought I was kidnapped again.” She snuggled closer. Her hand moved to rest on his bare abdomen.
Micah tenderly kissed her forehead. “No, sweetheart. You’re safe; you’re here with me.”
“Thank God. I prayed to the Archangel Michael that day, for he is the angel of protection. It was just before I walked into the White Hart. Then I saw you. It was a miracle, I think,” Libby whispered as she tucked her head beneath his chin.
“Mmm.” Micah stroked her back. “I believe you are right, Libby. I believe you are my miracle I prayed for,” he whispered to her. He realized she was already fast asleep. Smiling, he kissed her forehead.
He just enjoyed holding her for a time, knowing now she was meant for him, meant to be his wife. He received confirmation that Archangel Michael heard and responded to his prayer on Glastonbury Tor. He and Libby were meant to be together. He smiled. Soon, he fell asleep holding his Lady.
He woke some hours later lying on his back. His arm was beneath Libby and was numb. His hand somehow had moved beneath her shirt and was currently clasping one rounded globe of her bare bottom
. Her skin was so soft and smooth. He allowed himself one slow, lingering caress over the silken globe before sliding his hand from beneath her shirt and removing it from her very sexy and firm derrière. He withdrew his arm from beneath her, turned to face her, pulled her close and buried his face in her glorious hair.
Just before dawn, Micah woke again. This time it was because Libby was on her side, her back to him. As she did the night before, she snuggled her derrière against his awakening erection. He smiled as she wiggled her firm little bottom against him again. He reached out and caught that gorgeous bottom with his hands and held it still. When she thrust it back, fully against him, his hands moved to her hips to hold her stationary against him and keep his Lady’s derrière from torturing his hardening cock further.
He fell asleep with a pleased grin upon his face.
Libby felt like eating a bit of porridge for breakfast. She ate a good portion, and drank a little broth. She managed to eat a small piece of bread. They each drank a cup of tea.
“Still not very hungry, I see.” Micah watched her as he took a bite of a cinnamon bun. Since waking, he longed to kiss Libby. He did not know why he was suddenly so preoccupied with the thought. Thus far Micah refrained from kissing her. They needed to get on the road. He needed to get her safely to Horethorne Hall. “Mmm, try a bite of this cinnamon bun, Libby, it is very good.” Micah held his cinnamon bun near those beautiful, rosy, red lips he obsessed over since the moment he left their bed.
She took a small bite, chewed it then licked her lips. “It is very good.” Libby smiled sweetly at him.
Micah nearly choked on his bite of cinnamon bun as he watched her tongue run over her full bottom lip. “Care for another bite?” he offered after swallowing his mouthful.
Nodding, she took another small bite.
A tiny blob of cinnamon was left at the corner of her mouth when he drew his cinnamon bun away from those rosy lips. Desire, raw and unbridled rushed through him. Micah could not stop himself. He leaned over, licked the cinnamon away and proceeded to kiss her. His cinnamon bun fell forgotten to his trencher. His arms wound about Libby.
She responded to his kiss, matched the movements of his tongue. The kiss deepened. Her arms moved upward around his neck, her fingers curling in his dark hair. Libby pressed herself against him. Micah pulled her closer, needing to feel her warmth and softness. They were both half out of their chairs. His lips left her sweet mouth and moved along her neck. When she moaned softly, it was nearly his undoing. He knew he should stop. Instead, he covered her lips with his again and drank deeply of her sweetness.
Libby felt as if she was on fire. The warm and tingly feeling intensified to a burning. There was a curious heat consuming her. It started down low then began to spread. It rose higher. The sensations she was experiencing were almost overwhelming.
Micah felt her fingers tangle in his hair. Libby molded her lovely body against him and pressed herself tighter against his chest. She moaned again, as soft as a whisper, as his lips caressed the tender place behind her ear. He nibbled on her lobe. Micah’s self control was gone. He knew he should not be doing this. e feared he might now be powerless to summon his self control. He wanted this. He wanted Libby.
Micah’s hand smoothed across her shoulder to her arm. His questing fingers just covered her breast when a knock sounded on the door.
Chapter Four
Micah pulled away from Libby. “It’s probably the maid with your chemise and stockings.” Micah called toward the door, “Just a moment.” He led Libby, still dressed in only his shirt, to the bedchamber. After she sat upon the bed and before he closed the door, he whispered, “I’ll be back in a moment, sweetheart.”
Micah quickly crossed the room and opened the door.
It was the innkeeper, Mr. Banfield.
“My Lord, you told me to let you know if there were any interested parties asking after you and the lady. Two different men have come within fifteen minutes of one another. The first did not give your name. He sought a man and lady of your description. I told him there was no one like that here. He left. The second man is waiting in the public room. He is a gentleman, sir. He asked for Lord Wincanton and your Lady. He said to tell you Lord Elveston is here for you. He gave me this to give to you.”
Micah opened the missive.
Wincanton, do not come down, for I think the inn is being watched. I saw your horse in the stable. Let me come up. I’ll get you out of here.”
“What can you tell me of his appearance?”
“He is as tall as you are; with dark hair and eyes. A well dressed man, he is, sir. He said if you were not convinced to tell you he doesn’t anticipate having his ribs bruised again.”
“Send him up. It is him.” Elveston’s ribs were severely bruised by the Brown Coats during the Glastonbury incident. “I need you to send some letters for me, Mr. Banfield. I’ll write them posthaste. If you could come back up in say ten minutes, I’d like to place them in your hands and your hands alone.”
“Aye, sir. And here are the missus’ clothing items you requested, my Lord.” He handed a wrapped bundle to Micah. “Shall I have the phaeton readied?”
“Thank you for the clothing for my Lady. When you come up in ten minutes, I’ll let you know about the phaeton. I need to speak with Lord Elveston first. Send him up, if you please.” Micah removed several coins from his pouch and placed them in the innkeeper’s hand.
“Aye, my Lord, and thank you,” the innkeeper smiled and nodded.
Micah took the package to the bedchamber and offered it to his Lady. “Libby, Elveston is here. He’s coming up. Can you get one of your new chemises and stockings on? I’ll come in momentarily to lace your stays and help you into your gown. I need to write a note to Owen and have it delivered once Jack and I figure out where we are going.”
“I thought we were going to Templecombe, Micah?”
“Sweetheart, we may need to go to Glastonbury instead. Someone else asked after us this morning.” Her saw her eyes widen. “Don’t concern yourself, Libby. I will not allow any harm come to you.”
A knock sounded on the door.
“I’ll hurry.” Libby assured him with a smile. Micah closed the bed chamber door.
“Who’s there?”
“It’s the pretty face you’ve spent the last three weeks with, and two before that in Glastonbury.”
Micah grinned and opened the door. “I am happy to see you! Sorry we left you behind in Andover.”
Jack Drayton, Lord Elveston nodded, came into the room. He looked about the small parlour. “I would have done the same. Where is Lady Elizabeth?”
“She’s in the bed chamber. She is feeling slightly better this morning, but has been very ill since I left you at the White Hart. In fact, I must excuse myself for a moment. I need to lace her stays.”
“Ah.” Jack lifted a dark eyebrow. He whispered, “What have you done? Owen is going to kill you!”
“It’s not what you’re thinking, Jack. Lady Elizabeth’s virtue remains intact. She has until today been unable to do much on her own due to the overdose of laudanum forced down her by her kidnappers. Her stomach was affected. She is very weak still. It seems she went from Monday morning until last evening without nourishment of any sort. Spending an entire day in an abandoned cottage without food after we left Andover did not help her situation. It matters not. I will offer for her.”
Jack nodded. “Very good. Then I must apologize for my remarks, Micah.”
“Apology accepted.” Micah shrugged. “Sit down, Jack. I’ll be right back. We’ve a lot to discuss. Are you hungry?”
“I ate downstairs. I watched the place a bit before I sent up the note.”
“If you will excuse me.” Micah knocked upon Libby’s bedchamber door. “Libby, are you ready for me to help you.”
“Yes, Micah.”
Libby sat on the edge of the bed, dressed in her chemise, stockings and petticoats. Her hair was braided.
p; “Let’s get you into your stays and gown, shall we, sweetheart?”
Micah dressed her quickly. He even knelt to lace her shoes for her, though Libby assured him she could manage. “There. Come with me. I need to write a few letters before Mr. Banfield, the innkeep, returns. Do you feel like walking?”
“Yes. I feel much better this morning, Micah,” Libby nodded as she took his arm.
Micah noted Libby acted a bit uneasy. He took her hand and brought her palm to his lips. “Don’t worry about any of this, sweetheart. Everything will be fine.” He gave her a reassuring smile and bent to place a quick, fleeting kiss to her lips.
Now smiling, Libby allowed him to lead her into the sitting room, even though butterflies danced in her stomach. The men who kidnapped her were somewhere near. She would soon have to face Owen. Lord Elveston arrived, and that made her a little sad, because she truly she enjoyed the time she spent alone with Micah. Yet at the same time, she was thankful Elveston joined their party because of the danger it appeared they might now be in.
“Lord Elveston,” Libby greeted him with a smile.
“Lady Elizabeth. I trust you are feeling better.”
“I am feeling much better. Thank you, my Lord.”
Micah pulled out a chair at the table for Libby and seated her. He grabbed the foolscap, ink, blotter and quill from the small desk. He returned to the table and sat next to Libby. They faced Jack.
“Jack, Libby was taken from Roseland Abbey because someone wanted to hold her for ransom. Her ransom was to be one of the scrolls we found in Glastonbury. They wanted Owen to obtain it for them.”
“What? Could it be Davitt?”
“I’m not certain. The men who kidnapped Libby and kept her drugged referred to their superior as a Mr. Crow.” Micah shook his head in bewilderment.
He added, “Jack, I planned on taking Lady Elizabeth to Templecombe today. Mr. Banfield the innkeep just informed me you were not the only one asking for us this morning. You said you felt we were being watched. So, I think I must send word to Owen and Harry. We need to have them send to some of the others to hopefully meet us here in Salisbury.”